* Incentives are available to Enbridge Gas Inc. commercial customers in Ontario. Applicable to retrofit applications only. Customers must have a valid Enbridge Gas account number in good standing and must use natural gas for cooking purposes. Incentives determined by the CFM exhaust of the unit installed. To qualify, customers must consent to a complimentary energy-efficiency audit of their facility, sign a work order application form and have the DCKV system installed in their facility no later than Nov. 28, 2025. This offer is limited and available to customers on a first come, first-served basis. Eligible costs include sensor(s), controls and standard installation fees. Equipment upgrades such as dampers or other delivery fees are not eligible costs. Limited number of projects/incentives per customer. Offer is only eligible for constant volume commercial kitchen ventilation. If there are any mechanisms in place to automate or adjust the flow of air/ventilation, then it is not eligible for an incentive. Additional Terms and Conditions may apply.
To qualify for limited-time incentives, upgrades must be pre-approved by Enbridge Gas. Incentive offers are subject to change based on budget availability. Offer is available to small and mid-size businesses that are independently owned and operate a commercial building that consumes no more than 100,000 m3 of natural gas annually. Applicable to retrofit applications only. Customer must have a valid Enbridge Gas account in good standing and must use natural gas for cooking purposes. Incentives determined by the CFM exhaust of the unit installed. Customer must consent to a complimentary energy-efficiency audit of their facility, sign a work order application form and have the DCKV system installed in their facility no later than Nov. 28, 2025. Offers are limited in terms of time and budget and available to customers on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible costs include sensor(s), controls and standard installation fees. Equipment upgrades such as dampers or other delivery fees are not eligible costs. Limited number of projects/incentives per customer. Offer is only eligible for constant volume commercial kitchen ventilation; if there are any mechanisms in place to automate or adjust the flow of air/ventilation, then it is not eligible for an incentive. Additional terms and conditions may apply. On average 50 percent of a standard system installation which is defined as an existing commercial kitchen that has one hood, one makeup air and one exhaust fan.
™ Save on Energy is a trademark of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). Used under license.
Any references to energy savings is based on the assumption that the participant is reducing their natural gas consumption through participation in the Small Business Program.
The savings claim is provided for informational purposes only and is based on the Ontario Energy Board Technical Resource Manual (TRM). These projections are specific to this example, and actual savings may vary for each project.
1. https://www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/dckv_technology_profile.pdf
2. https://natural-resources.canada.ca/sites/nrcan/files/energy/pdf/energystar/Commercial-Kitchen-Guide_E_acc.pdf