Do you want firm injection or withdrawal rights post Timely nomination cycle? Do you need firm all day on 13 nomination cycles?

Our F24-S Intraday service enables you to access firm injections and withdrawals all day using any of our 13 nominations cycles. This service offers exceptional flexibility to those who have varying storage injection or withdrawal needs throughout the gas day, or who enter in transactions after the Timely nomination cycle.

Service highlights:

  • This service is an enhancement to a new or existing firm storage service.
  • This service transforms the firm injections and/or firm withdrawal parameters contained in the underlying storage contract into a "firm all day" service.
  • Firm daily service on all five North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) nomination cycles, plus additional eight nomination cycles.
  • Overrun applies only to the underlying storage contract injections/withdrawals.
  • Quantity of gas injected or withdrawn in any hour cannot exceed the total daily contracted quantity divided by 20.
    • Example:
      • Daily firm withdrawal demand = 50,000 GJ/d
      • Hourly contract demand is 2,500 GJ/h (50,000 GJ/d / 20 hours)
      • Total flow at ID2 nomination cycle (12 hours remaining in gas day) cannot exceed 30,000 GJ (2,500 GJ/h x 12 hours)
  • Quantity of gas injected and withdrawn over entire gas day cannot exceed total daily contracted quantity.
  • During the gas day, the time between nomination deadline and effective flow of gas is approximately two hours.

F24-S service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Dawn Hub
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Pricing and fuel

  • Negotiated rate.
  • Monthly billing for the demand charge.
  • No incremental fuel charges (notwithstanding fuel provided as per underlying storage contract).
  • No incremental variable charges (notwithstanding commodity charges required as per underlying storage contract).
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Service eligibility

  • Available to all customers who hold a storage contract with firm injection and/or withdrawal parameters.
  • Term of storage contract must be equal to or longer than the term of F24-S contract.
  • Quantity of firm storage injections/withdrawals must be equal to or greater than quantity of F24-S contract.
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Contract and contract term

  • Contract Term: From one year to 10 years.
  • F24-S schedule added to existing executed storage contract.
  • Assignable to third parties with a storage contract on a temporary or permanent basis. For more information, check out our standard storage assignment agreement.
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Complementary services

  • F24-T
  • UPBS
  • DPBS
  • Additional Firm Storage injection/withdrawals can be added to an existing storage contract.

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales