Would you like service flexibility when moving gas between two interconnects on the Enbridge Gas transmission system?

Our C1 Transportation service provides a reliable, cost-effective means to move gas from any one point on the Enbridge Gas transmission system to another. This service also allows you to move gas to and from interconnecting pipelines including:

  • TC Energy at Dawn Hub
  • Vector at Dawn Hub
  • DTE MichCon at Union St. Clair
  • Panhandle at Ojibway
  • Bluewater at Enbridge Gas' Bluewater interconnect
  • Parkway pipeline interconnects: Waddington (Iroquois), East Hereford (Portland Natural Gas Transmission System), the eastern (EDA) and central (CDA) delivery areas (TC Energy)
  • Kirkwall pipeline interconnects: Niagara (Tennessee and National Fuel) and Chippawa (Millennium and Empire)

Use our transportation Toll Calculator tool for rates and fuel on all paths monthly/daily.

Services Highlights

  • Firm service - on the Timely North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) nomination cycle.
    • After the Timely cycle, nomination increases are available on an interruptible basis.
    • To better understand where the improved interruptible transport (IT) reliability ranks, check out our priority of service schedule (POS).
  • Interruptible service – available on any of the NAESB cycles.
  • Assignable to third parties on a temporary or permanent basis. For more information, check out our standard assignment agreement.
  • To improve IT reliability, you can choose to enter into a demand charge rate or pay a premium variable rate.

C1 transportation service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Receipt points - Ojibway, Union St. Clair, Dawn Hub, Dawn (TC Energy), Dawn (Vector), Parkway, Kirkwall, Union Bluewater
  • Delivery points - Any one of the following - Ojibway, Union St. Clair, Dawn Hub, Dawn (TC Energy), Dawn (Vector), Parkway, Kirkwall, Union Bluewater
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Pricing and fuel

Pricing and fuel are based on the contract term:

C1 Transportation service pricing over multiple years
Less than or equal to one year One-two years More than two years
Negotiated demand charge and/or variable charge and fuel. Regulated rates and fuel as per C1 Rate Schedule. Regulated rates and fuel as per C1 Rate Schedule, plus an ability to negotiate a premium above regulated rates.

Monthly billing for all demand and commodity charges (where applicable).

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Service eligibility

  • Available to all customers who hold an interruptible standard hub contract.
  • Typically sold via open season or as negotiated upon request for service.
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Contract and contract term

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Complementary services

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales
Email: max.hagerman@enbridge.com

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts
Email: ginny.hawken@enbridge.com

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales
Email: chris.mayo@enbridge.com