Would you like to develop and market a storage facility inside Enbridge Gas’ franchise area?

The bi-directional M16 Transportation service provides third party, natural gas storage pool operators with transport between their storage pool and Enbridge Gas' Dawn Hub. This transportation service allows the storage operator to offer their customer’s Dawn Hub-based storage services.

The service is dependent on the third-party storage operator building facilities to connect to Enbridge Gas' pipeline network of distribution, transmission or storage pipelines and typically relies, at least partially, on displacement to bring on service.

The service is available on a firm or interruptible basis, subject to system capacity and local market size or requirements at the point of interconnection. Firm service may require system upgrades which the customer is responsible for via an "aid to construct" payment.

Given the unique nature of each storage pool and the options for connection to our system, each M16 Transportation contract is unique with regards to the specifics of pressure, flow rates, costs to connect and specific facilities required.

If you are interested in our M16 Transportation service, please contact us to discuss.

Services highlights

  • Provides transportation between the storage location and the Dawn Hub.
  • Firm or interruptible service
  • Firm service available only on nominations made on the Timely North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) nomination cycle.
  • Right to increase nomination on an interruptible transport (IT) basis on subsequent nomination cycles.
  • Overrun rights and IT service available (subject to priority of service)

M16 transportation service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Dawn Hub, Dawn (TC Energy)
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Pricing and fuel

  • Regulated rate service as per M16 rate schedule.
  • Customers pay a monthly connection charge, a demand charge (for any firm portion of service), commodity and/or fuel charges based on transport direction and usage level.
    • Firm contract demand charge is different for "east of Dawn" or "west of Dawn". East of Dawn applies if the Dawn-Parkway system is required to provide the M16 Transportation service.
  • Regulated variable charges, based on direction of transport as per M16 rate schedule.
  • At the time of contracting, you can make a one-time decision to provide Enbridge Gas' supplied fuel (USF) or customer supplied fuel (CSF).
    • CSF is not subject to true up. USF is subject to intra-period WACOG adjustments.
    • All values listed as Canadian currency.
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Service eligibility

  • Available to distributors in Union South located east of Dawn.
  • For more information, contact an account manager or the director of business development.
  • Maximum credit requirement - 12 months demand charge plus initial credit to cover any “aid to construct costs”
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Contract and contract term

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Complementary services

  • Enhanced balancing - basic M16 service requires the customer to hold a standard interruptible hub contract providing interruptible park and loan balancing between the nominated flow and the actual flow to or from the pool daily. Enbridge Gas has an optional, unregulated M16 balancing service available that will provide more flexibility at a similar cost.
  • M12 and C1 transportation – provides the customer with reliable firm and/or interruptible capacity to move gas between Dawn Hub and Enbridge Gas' downstream or upstream interconnects to complement their own storage and M16 service.
  • F24-T - upgrades M16 service to firm all day transportation with access to 13 nomination cycles.
  • Enbridge Gas storage - provides the option for additional balancing and supplemental flexibility to complement the customer’s own storage facility.

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales
Email: max.hagerman@enbridge.com

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts
Email: ginny.hawken@enbridge.com

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales
Email: chris.mayo@enbridge.com