Working together to solve emission-intensive processes
Industry is critical to Ontario’s economy and growth. It also relies on natural gas for energy-intensive processes. For many of these processes, including steel and concrete production, electricity isn’t a viable alternative today.
The industry path to net zero maps out how we can scale and accelerate sustainable solutions, such as renewable hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS), to reduce emissions while keeping energy reliable and affordable.
Net-zero pathNet-zero building pathNet-zero transportation path

Innovation in action

Many critical processes, including steel and concrete, can’t be electrified. Hydrogen, created from surplus electricity, is a powerful energy source that can serve industrial processes in the future.

Renewable natural gas (RNG)
Created by capturing methane emissions from organic waste, RNG can be blended into the gas pipeline and used to power industrial processes that can’t be electrified today.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
CCS technologies can deliver negative emissions by removing carbon emissions from the air before it enters the atmosphere. It can then be stored underground or converted for another purpose.

Enbridge embarking on world-class carbon capture and sequestration hub
In service as early as 2025, the hub will be among the world's largest projects of its kind, capturing carbon from industrial emitters and helping Canada to meet emission reduction goals.
Energy conservation
Through incentives and expertise, Enbridge Gas delivers conservation programs to help industrial customers lower their carbon footprint and their energy costs.

How the world’s first carbon-neutral food company cut emissions
Maple Leaf Foods in Hamilton, Ontario uncovered a variety of energy-saving opportunities—including a heat recovery project that achieved significant emissions reductions.

How we helped Magna drive down energy costs and emissions
Motor Specialty Manufacturing Ltd., a division of Magna, implemented heat recovery and installed equipment controls. Today, they’re saving $121,500 a year on natural gas.
Why be optimistic about a clean energy future?
Hear our Enbridge Gas team members highlight some of the key innovations they are driving within the industrial processes sector.
“I’m really excited that all types of renewables are going to get a chance to play in this energy future and to see renewable natural gas and hydrogen being used and delivered to our customers.”
Cora Carriveau, Business Development Specialist, Carbon
See other clean energy solutions

Getting to net-zero emissions
Learn how we’re working together for a sustainable future by advancing new technologies, introducing new renewable fuels and finding practical ways to use less energy.
See technologies
The transportation path to net zero
Transportation is the largest source of emissions in Ontario. See how we’re driving cleaner fuels and sustainable technologies forward.
Explore the path
The building path to net zero
Innovative technologies are reducing emissions produced from building heat. See how we’re greening the second largest source of emissions in Ontario, affordably and reliably.
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