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Putting organic waste to good use

As momentum to meet climate targets increases, RNG is steadily gaining ground as a viable way to step up climate action, quickly and affordably. Produced from organic waste, such as food scraps, farm waste and wastewater, carbon-neutral RNG is used to fuel fleets, power industry and heat homes and businesses more sustainably—making Ontario’s energy future that much cleaner.

How can RNG help you?

For suppliers

Generate a new source of revenue, with support and financing to turn organic waste into RNG.

For municipalities

Expert help to adopt a circular economy approach—repurpose the city’s organic waste to fuel fleets and heat buildings.

For fleets

Turnkey solutions to switch fleets to compressed natural gas or RNG.

A crucial solution on the path to net zero

Produced from organic waste, RNG can be added to Ontario’s natural gas system and used as an alternative to conventional fuels and energy sources.

Carbon neutral

Diverts methane—one of the most harmful greenhouse gases—that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

Diverts waste from landfill

As Ontario’s landfill capacity is expected to run out by 2032*, RNG offers an immediate solution.

Versatile, resilient and market-ready

A made-in-Ontario solution that’s more resilient and easier to adopt than other types of low-carbon energy sources.

Infographic detailing the cycle process of RNG; starting as organic waste being digested and upgraded, then added to the system as RNG for use heating homes and businesses
See how RNG is made and used.

Infographic showing how purchased natural gas continues through our system and distributed to homes and businesses
See how RNG gets to customers

How does RNG get to customers

RNG is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas, but with carbon-neutral emissions. That means it can be added to the existing natural gas system.

The infographic details the process of getting RNG to customers; purchased from suppliers, added to the existing natural gas system, stored and distributed.

Customers can buy and use RNG to help reduce their carbon footprint, regardless of where it physically used. Think of it like depositing $20 in a bank in Windsor and withdrawing $20 in Belleville—even if the banknote may not be the same, it's still your $20.

Spotlight on RNG leaders

Ontario’s first carbon-negative bus

Residents of Hamilton, Ontario are enjoying a cleaner commute. The bus is fuelled by RNG produced from locally-sourced organic waste at the StormFisher facility in London, Ontario.

  • Diverts 450 tonnes of organic waste from landfill in one year.
  • Equivalent to taking 185 cars off the road for a year.
  • Captures more emissions than are released from the bus.

Stanton Farms creates renewable energy from organic waste

At their farm in Ilderton, Ontario, the Stanton family is using a biodigester to break down organic waste for renewable energy production, decreasing methane and GHG emissions. Stanton Farms’ new RNG facility will Inject more than 3 million cubic metres (m3) of RNG per year to Ontario’s natural gas network.

StormFisher unlocks the value of organic waste

At the biogas facility in London, Ontario, over 70,000 tonnes of organic waste is converted to RNG—eliminating over 8,000 tonnes of GHG emissions and producing over 3 million cubic metres (m3) of RNG.

From Green Bin to RNG

The City of Toronto harnesses the biogas emitted from processing its Green Bin organic waste. The resulting RNG is added to the existing natural gas system and used to fuel the city’s waste collection fleet.

Ready to produce and use RNG?

Let our team guide you through your RNG project—from uncovering opportunities through financial support, planning and selling.

Our latest RNG projects

The Dawn Hub supports the growing market demand for RNG. Marketers, utilities and others can purchase and bring RNG onto our system. We’ve also built new functionality in Enerline to track and report RNG. Learn more about Dawn Hub.

1. RNG is produced from organic matter derived from plants which remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as they grow. On an end-use basis, when RNG is combusted, the CO2 released to the atmosphere is not considered additional because RNG is derived from organic matter, as recognized by Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. By displacing natural gas with RNG, the CO2 that would have been released from the use of natural gas is avoided, and therefore lowers GHG emissions, reducing the carbon footprint.

2. Any claim regarding the organic processing capacity and RNG production is specific to Generate Upcycle. A reduction of over 11,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually could occur when displacing natural gas, on an end-use basis, based on the emissions factors found in the 2024 National Inventory Report.

3. From 2021 year to 2023, residents of Hamilton, Ontario enjoyed a cleaner commute. The bus was fueled by RNG produced from locally sourced organic waste at the Generate Upcycle facility in London, Ontario.

4. From 2023 to 2024, Bluewater Recycling Association ran Ontario's first waste collection truck fueled by RNG sourced from a local farm near London, Ontario.

5. Any claim regarding the volume of RNG injected into Ontario’s natural gas pipeline from Stanton Farms is based on data supplied by Stanton Farms.

6. Any claim of regarding the benefits producing RNG for the City of Toronto is based on information supplied by the City of Toronto.

7. Any references describing RNG as cleaner energy are in comparison to diesel and gasoline.