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A Safety Violation means that your equipment/appliances that use natural gas may be unsafe. During a service call, a certified gas technician may place a Safety Violation notice on your natural gas equipment if it’s not operating safely. Depending on the concern, your natural gas may be turned off for your safety until the equipment has been fixed.

There are two types of safety violations that can be issued:

A circular design featuring a cross symbol, prominently displayed on a white backdrop.

“A” violation

Is issued when the appliance creates an immediate hazard. As a result, your gas supply to the appliance or building is shut off immediately.

A circular design featuring a cross symbol, prominently displayed on a white backdrop.

“B” violation

Is issued when the appliance does not create an immediate hazard. You have up to 42 days for repairs or replacement. If the hazard is not repaired the natural gas supply will be shut off.

Safety violation notice example

Have you received a safety violation?

A black and white circle featuring a wrench.

Fix your equipment/appliance

Hire a TSSA-registered HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) contractor. They will make repairs to the appliances and send Enbridge Gas the required information so that your natural gas service is not interrupted. Enbridge Gas does not repair or service natural gas appliances.

A black circle featuring a wrench crossed out.

If you don’t fix your equipment/appliance or we don’t receive notification of your repair before the expiry date...

For category B Safety Violations, we are required to visit the property to verify the repairs. A service charge may be applied. If we are unable to verify the repairs, your natural gas service may be shut off.

Safety violation notice of completed repairs

* Required

Location where safety violation is issued.

If you have question about safety violations, please email