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Are you an Ontario RNG or conventional natural gas producer looking to bring your supply to market?

Our M13 service provides Ontario natural gas producers with a means to get their gas to Enbridge Gas' Dawn Hub where it can be sold to any number of market participants. A corresponding balancing service takes the daily swing between production and market.

This “reasonable effort” service allows you to deliver your produced gas from its interconnection with Enbridge Gas' system to the Dawn Hub, provided we have sufficient system capacity and your gas meets our quality standards.

Services highlights

  • A contract is established with a firm daily variability (FDV) demand quantity, which is the permitted fluctuation in the produced volume.
  • Daily differences between the produced quantity and gas sold at Dawn Hub will be applied to the producer’s balancing account.
  • A producer’s volumes will be validated by measurement reports.
  • To sell gas at the Dawn Hub, producers are provided with a name change (title transferring) service.
  • Producers may purchase third party gas only to correct a debit position in their balancing account.
  • View the RNG gas quality requirements

M13 transportation service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Receipt points - those points where the producer shall deliver its quantities to Enbridge Gas as described in the M13 schedule 1 of the contract. The receipt points will be determined through negotiations with the producer.
  • Delivery point - Dawn Hub.
Dollar sign

Pricing and fuel

  • Regulated rate service as per M13 rate schedule.
    • All values listed in Canadian currency.
  • Regulated monthly fixed charge.
  • Regulated delivery commodity charge.
  • At the time of contracting, producers can make a one-time decision to either provide Enbridge Gas supplied fuel (USF) or customer supplied fuel (CSF).
    • CSF is not subject to true up, USF is subject to intra-period Weighted Average Cost of Gas (WACOG) adjustments.
  • Charges for the firm daily variability demand, for each of the quantities credited/debited to the name change service, as outlined in the M13 schedule 2.
  • A charge for exceeding the limitations of the producer balancing account as per the MPSS rate schedule.
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Service eligibility

  • Enbridge Gas must determine if it is feasible to connect a producer's supply to its system.
  • Producer must provide evidence of viable production.
  • To access this service, a producer is required to have an interruptible standard hub contract.
  • Meet Enbridge Gas' credit requirements as outlined in our credit process.

Contract and contract term

Document with a pen

Complementary services

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales

Chris Mayo
Specialist, S&T Sales

Mike Wright
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts