If you are looking to take advantage of short-term operational needs or commercial market spreads, you may be interested in our Park and Loan services. A Park and Loan Service at the Dawn Hub provides the following opportunities:

  • Buy low-priced gas and sell high-priced gas.
  • Sell borrowed high-priced gas and buy low replacement gas.
  • Manage upstream curtailments or plant shutdowns.
  • Manage delivery commitments on downstream pipelines.

Our parking service permits customers to inject (buy) gas for a defined period-of-time and withdraw (sell) the same quantity at a future point in time.

Our loan service permits customers to withdraw (borrow) gas from Enbridge Gas for a defined period-of-time and inject (buy) the same quantity at a future point in time.

Service highlights

  • Firm/Interruptible injections and withdrawals.
  • Limited cycling rights – one turn service.
  • Negotiable contract term.

Park & loan service details

Arrows going in a circle icon

Receipt and delivery points

  • Park: Dawn Hub and other points are negotiable
  • Loan: Dawn Hub
Dollar sign

Pricing and fuel

  • Negotiated demand price.
  • Fuel included in price.
  • Customers are billed monthly.
Document with checkmark icon

Service eligibility

Document icon

Contract and contract term

Document with a pen icon

Complementary Services

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales
Email: max.hagerman@enbridge.com

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts
Email: ginny.hawken@enbridge.com

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales
Email: chris.mayo@enbridge.com