Are you a distributor looking to move gas on the Enbridge Gas system?

If you are a distributor in Union South who is located east of Dawn, you can enter a transportation contract with Enbridge Gas for the transportation of gas for distribution to your customers on the Dawn-Parkway system. This service includes transportation from any applicable receipt point on the Enbridge Gas system to your delivery area.

Applicable receipt points include:

  • Dawn (as a receipt point, Dawn (TC Energy), Dawn (Facilities) and Dawn (Vector)
  • Kirkwall
  • Parkway

Services highlights

M17 transportation service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Receipt points – includes each of the following - Dawn Hub, Dawn (TC Energy), Dawn (Vector), Kirkwall, Parkway
  • Delivery points – distributor’s delivery area
Dollar sign

Pricing and fuel

  • Regulated rate service as per M17 rate schedule
  • Monthly demand charge
  • Monthly charge
  • Monthly billing for all demand and commodity charges (as applicable)
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Service eligibility

  • Available to any customer with an interruptible hub contract.
  • Sold via open season - supports expansions of the Dawn-Parkway system.
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Contract and contract term

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Complementary services

  • Peak storage.
  • Limited balancing agreement provides the ability to balance scheduled deliveries and measured quantities at the delivery area.
  • Interconnect operating agreement.

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales