Do you need short-term, short notice balancing service?

Our Downstream Pipeline Balancing Service (DPBS) is designed for customers who have short-notice delivery requirements (15 minutes notice) at Parkway or Kirkwall. With DPBS, you can submit electronic nominations on a 15-minute short notice basis and ensure that your gas supplies closely match your consumption requirements. DPBS provides you with up to six hours of balancing service at Parkway or Kirkwall. The use of DPBS can also help minimize your downstream balancing costs.

Service highlights:

  • Firm, short-notice (15 minutes) intraday balancing service providing a park and loan service at Parkway or Kirkwall.
  • You can submit electronic nominations for up to 96 notice periods, for changes to activity at Parkway or Kirkwall (ability to increase or decrease net exports to TC Energy). You submit an hourly profile which specifies the net deliveries to TC Energy for each hour (by 15-minute increments).
  • You can export a total quantity equal to the maximum hourly transportation demand to TC Energy. The source of the export can be flowing transportation gas from Dawn, or a withdrawal from Dawn Hub.
    • Example:
      • Daily firm transportation contract = 100,000 GJ/d
      • Hourly transportation demand = 5,000 GJ/h (100,000 GJ/d divided by 20)
      • Hourly storage contract withdrawal demand is 5,000 GJ/h (100,000 GJ/d divided by 20)
      • Total flowing gas on M12 Dawn to Parkway contract at 11 a.m. = 2,000 GJ/h
      • Total withdrawal from storage contract (at Dawn Hub) at 11 a.m. = 0
      • Maximum DPBS withdrawal available from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. = 3,000 GJ/h (5,000 GJ/h transport limit less 2,000 GJ/h flowing gas)
  • Customer can reduce its exports to TC Energy and inject into DPBS.
    • Example:
      • Use same storage and transportation parameters as above.
      • Total flowing gas on M12 to Parkway contract as 11 a.m. = 2,000 GJ/h
      • Total injection to storage contract (at Dawn Hub) at 11 a.m. = 0 GJ/h
      • Maximum DPBS injection available from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. = 2,000 GJ/h (equal to 2,000 GJ/h of flowing gas on transport)
  • Hourly DPBS quantity determined as lesser of hourly transport demand and hourly storage withdrawal demand.
  • Balance account limits:
    • Maximum upper limit (storage limit) - plus three times hourly DPBS quantity
    • Maximum lower limit (loan limit) - negative three times hourly DPBS quantity
  • No requirements to reduce the balance to zero.
  • Overrun of DPBS (and underlying storage contract) may be provided. Any overrun of an hourly quantity will be considered overrun for the entire gas day.

NOTE: The above service description is based on use of DPBS in conjunction with an existing Enbridge Gas storage contract. Service parameters vary if using stand-alone DPBS offering.

Downstream pipe balancing service details

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Receipt and delivery points

  • Parkway or Kirkwall
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Pricing and fuel

  • Negotiated price.
  • No incremental fuel charges (notwithstanding commodity charges required as per underlying storage and transportation contract).
  • No incremental commodity or variable charges.
  • Monthly billing for all demand charges.
  • Overrun charges equal to 1.5 times underlying demand storage charges.
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Service eligibility

  • Available to all customers who hold a firm Dawn to Parkway/Kirkwall transportation contract; also accessible to customers outside of Enbridge Gas' distribution area.
  • This service is intended to supply customers who use firm transport short notice (FT-SN) service on TC Energy.
  • The term of transportation contract must be equal to or longer than term of DPBS contract.
  • Hourly quantity of firm transport (daily quantity divided by 20) must be equal to or greater than quantity of the DPBS contract.
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Contract and contract term

  • Contract term is varying in length from one storage season to 10 years.
  • This service may be purchased on a stand-alone basis or may be used in conjunction with an existing storage contract with firm injection/withdrawal parameters.
  • Schedule added to existing storage contract.
  • Assignable to third parties with a firm storage contract on a temporary or permanent basis. For more information, please check out our standard storage assignment agreement.
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Complementary services

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales