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What is Enerline Direct Connect?

Enerline Direct Connect is a free web service available to both contract holders and agent companies interested in an automatic pull of distribution consumption measurement. This data would be pulled directly to a customer’s computer application on an unattended basis.

Enerline Direct Connect offers the following benefits:

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    Connect directly to Enerline’s database anytime to retrieve consumption data to your computer application on an unattended basis. Your IT department will need to configure your application to make this automatic retrieval.

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    Enjoy the flexibility of selecting the data you really need - whether by company, contract, location or meter.

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    Retrieve up to 65 days of historical consumption automatically. Of course, you can still find and locally store additional historical consumption data through Enerline’s distribution measurement download feature

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    Consumption data includes daily and hourly measurements as well as degree day information.

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    Schedule retrieval time to align with the availability of the previous gas day’s measurement. Note: The previous gas day’s measurement is available at approximately 1:30 p.m. EST.

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    For agent companies, consolidate all your customers’ consumption data all at once – avoid manually pulling data for each of your customers.

Register for Enerline Direct Connect

Both contract holder and agent companies can obtain authorization for their own IT personnel to configure access to distribution consumption measurement data. When completing an Enerline access request form:

  • Select the Direct Connect Web Service option.
  • Appoint an Authorized Signatory (has authority to bind the company) who will receive an email to approve the request.
  • If applicable, identify whether access is required for an agent companies’ end use customers.

A service account username and password will be issued by Enbridge Gas once the Enerline Direct Connect Service Agreement Terms and Conditions (Agent Companies: Enerline Direct Connect Agent Terms and Conditions) are approved by the Authorized Signatory. Resource documentation including quick facts and a technical usage guide will be provided to help your team configure access.

Note regarding access for agent companies: If you wish to utilize the web service to pull data for your end use customers, you must have the distribution measurement access right in Enerline for these customers. If this access needs to be granted, please complete an Enerline access request form and select the Agent Access option. Identify an Authorized Signatory from the end use customer company who will be required to approve the request.

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Enerline Support
Business hours (EST time zone)

Nominations Support
Support until 11:00 p.m. EST