Maintaining and upgrading our natural gas system
We are committed to ensuring that our customers have safe and reliable access to natural gas in all of the regions that we serve. This access is made possible through the continued maintenance, reinforcement and expansion of the Enbridge Gas system and through the projects described below. Click on the project links to learn more about what we’re doing in your region.
Current Ontario construction projects
5371 Boundary Road Pipeline Project
At the request of a customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to install a new natural gas pipeline and district station primarily along Boundary Road in Navan, on the municipal boundary between the City of Ottawa and Township of Russell. The new pipeline would provide natural gas to the warehouse located at 5371 Boundary Road.
2024 Well Project
Enbridge Gas has completed construction on observation wells in Lambton County, Ontario. The wells will be used to monitor the gas content and pressure in underground storage formations and help ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas storage facilities.
2025 Waubuno Well Drilling Project
Enbridge Gas has retained a consultant to undertake an environmental study for the proposed proposed 2025 Waubuno Well Drilling Project in Lambton County, Ontario. The proposed well and pipeline are required to ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to existing and future Enbridge Gas customers.
Crowland Test Well Drilling Project
In order to maintain the safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas’s system, and to continue meeting the natural gas needs of our customers, we are proposing the Crowland Test Well Drilling Project.
Dawn Corunna Project
In order to maintain the safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas’s system, and to continue meeting the natural gas needs of our customers, we are replacing some of our older natural gas storage and transmission assets in the in St. Clair Township area.
Dundalk Reinforcement Project
Enbridge Gas has identified the need to reinforce part of its natural gas distribution network in Dufferin County. The Dundalk Reinforcement Project in the Town of Mono will increase system reliability and flexibility to meet the current and projected growth in natural gas demand.
East Harbour Relocation Project
Cadillac Fairview has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate its existing natural gas pipeline to accommodate the construction of its new East Harbour development in Toronto.
Elmira Pipeline Project
To support the development of low-carbon renewable energy in Ontario and to meet the requirements of its customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new pipeline and injection station to connect a new Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facility being constructed in Elmira, Ontario.
Hamilton Airport Regional Expansion Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing a pipeline project to meet the increased demand for energy in Hamilton, Brantford, Brant County, North Dumfries, Haldimand County, and Norfolk County.
Hamilton Light Rail Transit Pipeline Relocation Project
Metrolinx has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate existing natural gas infrastructure at various locations in the City of Hamilton to accommodate construction of the Hamilton Light Rail Transit Project.
Hamilton Reinforcement Project
Natural gas remains a lower-carbon source of energy than coal. In Ontario, we currently have three integrated steel mills whose operations are coal-based, and Enbridge Gas is working with one of the largest, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, to help them to transition from coal to natural gas.
Kimball-Colinville and Bickford Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) Increase Project
Enbridge Gas is applying to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to increase the Maximum Operating Pressure of the Bickford and Kimball-Colinville natural gas storage pools in St. Clair Township, in the County of Lambton.
Kingston System Reinforcement Project
The proposed Kingston System Reinforcement Project would include the construction of a new 8.6-kilometre pipeline, which would be 8- to 10-inches in diameter and replace the existing 6-inch Kingston Lateral Pipeline.
London Lines Replacement Project
This vital construction project serving various communities in Middlesex and Lambton Counties will install approximately 82 kilometres of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, that runs through Middlesex County and Lambton County. The project is designed to improve system integrity and provide operational flexibility by replacing two pipelines in the area (known as the London Lines).
Low-Carbon Energy Project
The objective of the project is to blend a small amount of hydrogen gas into our existing natural gas network, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Enbridge Gas operates a facility which converts surplus electrical energy to hydrogen gas, which would be injected into the existing natural gas network.
Mississauga Reinforcement Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new steel natural gas pipeline and related customer facilities to meet the requirements of three of its customers.
NPS 20 Pipeline Replacement Cherry to Bathurst
Enbridge Gas has replaced 4.5 km of its 20-inch high-pressure natural gas pipeline in downtown Toronto. The replacement occurred along Lake Shore Boulevard between Cherry Street and Bathurst Street, and on Parliament Street from Lake Shore Boulevard East to Mill Street.
NPS 20 Waterfront Relocation Pipeline Project
Enbridge Gas is required to relocate and construct a segment of its 20-inch steel natural gas pipeline on the Keating Railway Bridge in the City of Toronto to accommodate Waterfront Toronto’s Port Lands Flood Protection Enabling Infrastructure Project.
Overlea Station Relocation Project
In order to accommodate the construction of the Metrolinx Ontario Line Subway Project while maintaining existing service to Enbridge Gas customers, Enbridge Gas has proposed a new project in the City of Toronto.
Panhandle Regional Expansion Project
To increase capacity and serve additional demand for cost-effective and reliable energy, Enbridge Gas is proposing to increase the capacity of our Panhandle Transmission System, which serves residential, commercial, industrial, greenhouse, and power generation customers in Chatham-Kent, Windsor, County of Essex, Lakeshore, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Amherstburg, LaSalle and Tecumseh.
Ridge Landfill Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Project
Waste Connections of Canada, with support from Enbridge Gas, is proposing to create a new renewable natural gas (RNG) facility at the Ridge Landfill, near the community of Blenheim in Chatham-Kent, Ontario.
Rockcliffe Control Station Relocation Project
Enbridge Gas operates the Niagara Gas Transmission Limited (NGTL)-owned natural gas pressure regulation station known as the Rockcliffe Control Station. This station, which safely reduces the pressure of natural gas that is delivered from the Enbridge Gas St. Laurent pipeline, must be relocated and rebuilt to ensure that it continues to meet current safety and engineering design standards.
Scarborough Subway Extension Project
Metrolinx has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate existing natural gas infrastructure at various locations in the district of Scarbrbough in the City of Toronto to accommodate construction of the Scarborough Subway Extension (SSE) Transit Project.
Seaton Employment Lands Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to build new natural gas pipelines and related infrastructure to meet the requirements of industrial and commercial customers in the City of Pickering.
Southwold Pipeline Project
To support the development of lower-carbon renewable energy in Ontario and meet the requirements of its customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new 6-inch steel pipeline and injection station to connect renewable natural gas (RNG) produced at the Green Lane Landfill in Southwold Township, south of London, Ontario, to the existing Enbridge Gas system in the area.
St. Laurent Pipeline Replacement Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to replace its St. Laurent Pipeline System in the City of Ottawa to ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of natural gas service within the National Capital Region.
Watford Pipeline Project
Enbridge Gas is constructing a 15.3 km pipeline, 6-inches in diameter, in the municipality of Brooke-Alvinston and the Township of Warwick.
Current Ontario community expansion projects
Ohio Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement
The Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement (PIR) project involves replacement of more than 5,500 miles of the company’s 22,000-mile pipeline system in Ohio.
Current western construction projects
Utah rural expansion
The state of Utah passed House Bill 422 in May 2018 that allows the Utah Public Service Commission (PSC) to authorize Enbridge Gas Utah to seek approval to bring natural gas infrastructure to rural communities.
Salt Lake City System Improvement
This project replaces aging natural gas pipelines under major streets in and around downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.
BL 7 (200 South) – Salt Lake City System Improvement
Replacing aging natural gas pipelines on and near 200 South as part of our Salt Lake City System Improvement.
BL 32 (700 North) – Salt Lake City System Improvement
As part of our Salt Lake City System Improvement efforts, we are updating old natural gas pipelines along 700 North, stretching from 2200 West to Redwood Road.
Gas Feeder Line 26
This project replaces a section of Feeder Line 26 in Lehi, Utah.
Gas Feeder Line 34
This project replaces a section of our systems located in Salt Lake City known as Feeder Line 34.
Gas Feeder Line 135
This project is necessary to keep pace with increased demand for natural gas due to customer growth in Washington County, Utah.
Gas Feeder Line 145
Enbridge Gas is replacing a section of its system located in the West Bountiful, Woods Cross, and Bountiful City areas.
Gas Feeder Line 148
Enbridge Gas is replacing a section of its system located in North Salt Lake City known as Feeder Line 148.
Gas Feeder Line 150
Enbridge Gas Utah is replacing a section of its system located in Hyrum/Wellsville, Utah, known as Feeder Line 150.
Evanston 2nd Street
Enbridge Gas is installing a new district regulator station and underground natural gas pipes in Evanston, Wyoming.
Magna LNG
This project will provide an alternate source of natural gas so customers have a steady, reliable flow of gas to their homes and businesses.
Hydrogen Blending in Delta, Utah
Our pilot program – ThermH2 – took place at our Training Academy in Utah in 2021. We blended 5% hydrogen in a test gas distribution system to confirm industry research on the efficacy and safety of blending hydrogen with natural gas.
Current North Carolina construction projects
Kannapolis to Concord System Expansion Project
Enbridge Gas will install a natural gas line from Enochville to Concord, North Carolina along predominantly existing N.C. DOT rights-of-way from 2024-2025.
Moriah Energy Center
Enbridge Gas North Carolina will enhance natural gas service reliability through storage.
T15 Reliability Project
This system reliability project will ensure Enbridge Gas North Carolina can meet demand while ensuring the safety and integrity of its pipeline system in compliance with regulations.
Ohio Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement
The Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement (PIR) project involves replacement of more than 5,500 miles of the company’s 22,000-mile pipeline system in Ohio.
Current Ontario construction projects
5371 Boundary Road Pipeline Project
At the request of a customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to install a new natural gas pipeline and district station primarily along Boundary Road in Navan, on the municipal boundary between the City of Ottawa and Township of Russell. The new pipeline would provide natural gas to the warehouse located at 5371 Boundary Road.
2024 Well Project
Enbridge Gas has completed construction on observation wells in Lambton County, Ontario. The wells will be used to monitor the gas content and pressure in underground storage formations and help ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas storage facilities.
2025 Waubuno Well Drilling Project
Enbridge Gas has retained a consultant to undertake an environmental study for the proposed proposed 2025 Waubuno Well Drilling Project in Lambton County, Ontario. The proposed well and pipeline are required to ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to existing and future Enbridge Gas customers.
Crowland Test Well Drilling Project
In order to maintain the safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas’s system, and to continue meeting the natural gas needs of our customers, we are proposing the Crowland Test Well Drilling Project.
Dawn Corunna Project
In order to maintain the safe and reliable operation of Enbridge Gas’s system, and to continue meeting the natural gas needs of our customers, we are replacing some of our older natural gas storage and transmission assets in the in St. Clair Township area.
Dundalk Reinforcement Project
Enbridge Gas has identified the need to reinforce part of its natural gas distribution network in Dufferin County. The Dundalk Reinforcement Project in the Town of Mono will increase system reliability and flexibility to meet the current and projected growth in natural gas demand.
East Harbour Relocation Project
Cadillac Fairview has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate its existing natural gas pipeline to accommodate the construction of its new East Harbour development in Toronto.
Elmira Pipeline Project
To support the development of low-carbon renewable energy in Ontario and to meet the requirements of its customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new pipeline and injection station to connect a new Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facility being constructed in Elmira, Ontario.
Hamilton Airport Regional Expansion Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing a pipeline project to meet the increased demand for energy in Hamilton, Brantford, Brant County, North Dumfries, Haldimand County, and Norfolk County.
Hamilton Light Rail Transit Pipeline Relocation Project
Metrolinx has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate existing natural gas infrastructure at various locations in the City of Hamilton to accommodate construction of the Hamilton Light Rail Transit Project.
Hamilton Reinforcement Project
Natural gas remains a lower-carbon source of energy than coal. In Ontario, we currently have three integrated steel mills whose operations are coal-based, and Enbridge Gas is working with one of the largest, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, to help them to transition from coal to natural gas.
Kimball-Colinville and Bickford Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) Increase Project
Enbridge Gas is applying to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to increase the Maximum Operating Pressure of the Bickford and Kimball-Colinville natural gas storage pools in St. Clair Township, in the County of Lambton.
Kingston System Reinforcement Project
The proposed Kingston System Reinforcement Project would include the construction of a new 8.6-kilometre pipeline, which would be 8- to 10-inches in diameter and replace the existing 6-inch Kingston Lateral Pipeline.
London Lines Replacement Project
This vital construction project serving various communities in Middlesex and Lambton Counties will install approximately 82 kilometres of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, that runs through Middlesex County and Lambton County. The project is designed to improve system integrity and provide operational flexibility by replacing two pipelines in the area (known as the London Lines).
Low-Carbon Energy Project
The objective of the project is to blend a small amount of hydrogen gas into our existing natural gas network, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Enbridge Gas operates a facility which converts surplus electrical energy to hydrogen gas, which would be injected into the existing natural gas network.
Mississauga Reinforcement Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new steel natural gas pipeline and related customer facilities to meet the requirements of three of its customers.
NPS 20 Pipeline Replacement Cherry to Bathurst
Enbridge Gas has replaced 4.5 km of its 20-inch high-pressure natural gas pipeline in downtown Toronto. The replacement occurred along Lake Shore Boulevard between Cherry Street and Bathurst Street, and on Parliament Street from Lake Shore Boulevard East to Mill Street.
NPS 20 Waterfront Relocation Pipeline Project
Enbridge Gas is required to relocate and construct a segment of its 20-inch steel natural gas pipeline on the Keating Railway Bridge in the City of Toronto to accommodate Waterfront Toronto’s Port Lands Flood Protection Enabling Infrastructure Project.
Overlea Station Relocation Project
In order to accommodate the construction of the Metrolinx Ontario Line Subway Project while maintaining existing service to Enbridge Gas customers, Enbridge Gas has proposed a new project in the City of Toronto.
Panhandle Regional Expansion Project
To increase capacity and serve additional demand for cost-effective and reliable energy, Enbridge Gas is proposing to increase the capacity of our Panhandle Transmission System, which serves residential, commercial, industrial, greenhouse, and power generation customers in Chatham-Kent, Windsor, County of Essex, Lakeshore, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Amherstburg, LaSalle and Tecumseh.
Ridge Landfill Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Project
Waste Connections of Canada, with support from Enbridge Gas, is proposing to create a new renewable natural gas (RNG) facility at the Ridge Landfill, near the community of Blenheim in Chatham-Kent, Ontario.
Rockcliffe Control Station Relocation Project
Enbridge Gas operates the Niagara Gas Transmission Limited (NGTL)-owned natural gas pressure regulation station known as the Rockcliffe Control Station. This station, which safely reduces the pressure of natural gas that is delivered from the Enbridge Gas St. Laurent pipeline, must be relocated and rebuilt to ensure that it continues to meet current safety and engineering design standards.
Scarborough Subway Extension Project
Metrolinx has requested that Enbridge Gas relocate existing natural gas infrastructure at various locations in the district of Scarbrbough in the City of Toronto to accommodate construction of the Scarborough Subway Extension (SSE) Transit Project.
Seaton Employment Lands Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to build new natural gas pipelines and related infrastructure to meet the requirements of industrial and commercial customers in the City of Pickering.
Southwold Pipeline Project
To support the development of lower-carbon renewable energy in Ontario and meet the requirements of its customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new 6-inch steel pipeline and injection station to connect renewable natural gas (RNG) produced at the Green Lane Landfill in Southwold Township, south of London, Ontario, to the existing Enbridge Gas system in the area.
St. Laurent Pipeline Replacement Project
Enbridge Gas is proposing to replace its St. Laurent Pipeline System in the City of Ottawa to ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of natural gas service within the National Capital Region.
Watford Pipeline Project
Enbridge Gas is constructing a 15.3 km pipeline, 6-inches in diameter, in the municipality of Brooke-Alvinston and the Township of Warwick.