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To support the development of lower-carbon renewable energy in Ontario and meet the requirements of its customer, Enbridge Gas is proposing to build a new 6-inch steel pipeline and injection station to connect renewable natural gas (RNG) produced at the Green Lane Landfill in Southwold Township, south of London, Ontario, to the existing Enbridge Gas system in the area.

The proposed steel pipeline would be 6 inches in diameter, and depending on the route chosen, between 7.8 km and 8.6 km in length. The project would be tentatively located within existing municipal road right-of-way and may also require permanent easements, temporary working space and lay-down areas during construction.

The proposed preliminary preferred route would be a steel pipeline approximately 8.6 km long which would start at the Green Lane Landfill. The pipeline would travel south to cross Highway 401 at Parson Road, east on Longhurst Line, north on Woodplant Road, east on Clinton Line, south on Wonderland Road, and east on Shorlea Line to tie into the existing Enbridge Gas system.

Three proposed alternate routes are also being considered.

Alternate route 1 would be a steel pipeline approximately 8.15 km long which would start at the Green Lane Landfill. The pipeline would travel south to cross Highway 401 at Parson Road, east on Longhurst Line, north on Sunset Drive, east on Clinton Line, south on Wonderland, and east on Shorlea Line to tie into the existing Enbridge Gas system.

Alternate route 2 would be a steel pipeline approximately 8.6 km long which would start at the Green Lane Landfill. The pipeline would travel south to cross Highway 401 and east on at Parson Road, east on Southminster Bourne, south on Woodplant Road, east on Clinton Line, south on Wonderland Road and east on Shorlea Line to tie into the existing Enbridge Gas system.

Alternate route 3 would be a steel pipeline approximately 7.8 km long which would start at the Green Lane Landfill. The pipeline would travel east on Southminster Bourne, south crossing Highway 401, east on Parson Road, and east on Southminster Bourne to tie into the existing Enbridge Gas system.

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under construction

  • In-service

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under construction

  • In-service