Enbridge Gas is proposing to construct new pipelines and associated facilities in Markham, Ontario. The objective of the project is to blend a small amount of hydrogen gas into our existing natural gas network, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Enbridge Gas operates a facility which converts surplus electrical energy to hydrogen gas, which would be injected into the existing natural gas network. The blended gas would be distributed within the area outlined on the map below. Once the study is complete, Enbridge Gas may apply to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for approval to construct the new pipeline.
Enbridge Gas filed a Leave-to-Construct (LTC) application with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) on December 20, 2019. The application included the Environmental Report (completed in May 2019), as well as two Addendums. Addendum #1 was completed in September 2019 and addressed comments from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Addendum #2 was completed in December 2019 and provided updated Project mapping depicting only Phase 1 of the Project, as Phase 2 was removed from the Project scope.
Since the completion of the Environmental Report and the Addendums, Enbridge Gas has made changes to the scope of the Project that require additional study and review. An Amendment to the Environmental Report (the Amendment) in consideration of Enbridge Gas’ proposed changes to the Project is being completed. These proposed Project changes include: (1) the selection of the Phase 1 Alternative Route as the Preferred Route; and, (2) the addition of three small facilities on Enbridge Gas -owned property at 101 Honda Boulevard into the Environmental Report scope. The objective of the Amendment is to determine if there are any additional potential environmental or socio-economic impacts as a result of the proposed changes that were not captured in the assessment already completed in the Environmental Report.

Project status/timeline
Environmental studies
Regulatory review
Regulatory approval
Under construction
Project status/timeline
Environmental studies
Regulatory review
Regulatory approval
Under construction