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Enbridge Gas Inc. is applying to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) pursuant to section 38(1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (OEB Act) for an order or orders granting approval to increase the Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) of the Bickford and Kimball-Colinville natural gas storage pools. The Bickford Storage Pool and Kimball-Colinville Storage Pool are designated storage areas as defined in the OEB Act and they are located in St. Clair Township in the County of Lambton.

Enbridge Gas is requesting to operate the Bickford Storage Pool to a maximum pressure gradient of 17.64 kPa.m (0.78 psi/ft) during the 2025 injection season and the Kimball-Colinville Storage Pool to a maximum pressure gradient of 16.625 kPa/m (0.735 psi/ft) during the 2026 injection season as permitted under CSA Standard Z341.1-22. Increasing the MOP of the storage pools will allow Enbridge Gas to store additional natural gas in the pools, and the additional storage capacity created by the project will be sold to third parties as part of Enbridge Gas’ unregulated storage business.

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under Construction

  • In-service

Project status/timeline

  • Feasibility

  • Environmental studies

  • Regulatory review

  • Regulatory approval

  • Under Construction

  • In-service

Project information