South BT customers transport their daily obligated natural gas supply (DCQ) to a contracted receipt point on Enbridge Gas’ system (Dawn or Parkway), and Enbridge Gas distributes the natural gas supply to the customer’s end-use location(s).

A Banked Gas Account (BGA) is provided to capture the difference between the daily natural gas supply the customer delivers to Enbridge Gas and natural gas supply consumed at the end-use location(s).

South BT customers are required to balance at up to three times during the contract year - fall and winter checkpoints, and at contract expiry. If the contract is not properly balanced at any one of these balancing points, charges will be applied.

A suite of balancing services is available to allow the customer to manage their BGA balance.

For the fall checkpoint, the actual BGA balance at the end of September must be at or below the contracted BGA balance (checkpoint quantity) for that point in time or the customer will be charged the Unauthorized Storage Space Overrun rate from the T1 rate schedule, each month, until the excess has been removed.

For the winter checkpoint, the actual BGA balance at the end of February must be at or above the contracted BGA balance (checkpoint quantity) for that point in time or the customer will be charged for the shortfall at the Banked Gas Purchase commodity rate in the Union South delivery zone R1 rate schedule.

At the end of the contract term, customers should be targeting a zero balance in the BGA, however a tolerance (+/-4% of the DCQ times 365) is allowed before a charge is applied. If the BGA balance at the end of the contract term is greater than the upper tolerance, the customer is charged for the amount in excess of the tolerance at the Unauthorized Storage Space Overrun rate in the Union delivery zone T1 rate schedule, each month, until the excess has been removed. If the BGA balance at contract expiry is less than the lower tolerance, Enbridge Gas will sell the quantity to the customer at the Banked Gas Purchase charge in the Union South delivery zone R1 rate schedule.

Rate information has been updated for 2024 Distribution rates.

Balancing services are available for this service. For more information, visit our Balancing services page.

Learn more

  • Authorization of Interruptible Direct Purchase (DP) Balancing Transactions
    To define the evaluation criteria Enbridge Gas applies when a customer requests authorization for a direct purchase balancing transaction.
  • Obligated Daily Contract Quantity (DCQ) -- Union South
    This policy will ensure consistent and fair treatment of changes to a customer's obligated Daily Contract Quantity (DCQ) for Union South.
  • Priority of Service
    This policy provides information regarding the processing of interruptions or scheduling reductions, to interruptible services, when requested services exceed available capacity under normal operating conditions.
  • Service Switching
    This policy ensures equitable treatment of customer requests to move between any of Union Gas' four services: Sales Service, Bundled-T, Transportation Service or Unbundled Service.
  • TCPL Turnback
    The purpose of this policy is to provide an overview of how Union Gas will facilitate T-service customer requests to turnback temporarily assigned TransCanada Pipelines (TCPL) capacity as part of their Direct Purchase contract.
  • Temporarily Changing Existing Customer Obligated Points of Receipt
    This policy applies to all existing Bundled-T and T-Service direct purchase customers in Union Gas' Southern operations area.

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