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Below is a summary of the Terms and Conditions. For the complete Terms and Conditions, ask your Registered Energy Advisor (a “REA”) for a printed copy.

Enbridge Gas and the Canada Greener Homes Initiative are partnering to provide grants towards eligible retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and renewable energy systems, up to a maximum of $10,000. To qualify for a grant, eligible participants must: (a) have completed a pre-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation between April 1, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2024. For greater certainty, anyone who has not completed a pre-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation by Feb. 5, 2024 will not be eligible to receive any grants or other incentives, and Enbridge reserves the right to opt-out from the program any person who has not completed a pre-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation by February 5, 2024 or has otherwise not complied with any program requirement; (b) install at least one of the qualifying retrofit measures recommended in the Renovation Upgrade Report provided by your Registered Energy Advisor; and (c) complete a post-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation by earlier of: (i) March 31, 2026; and such earlier date on which Enbridge has determined that all program funding has been fully allocated, modified, terminated, or exhausted. For greater certainty, no grants or other incentives will be available to anyone who has not completed a post-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation by March 31, 2026 or such earlier date on which Enbridge has determined that all program funding has been fully allocated, modified, terminated or exhausted, even if participant has installed one or more qualifying retrofit measures on or prior to such date. Grants will be processed and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds for the program have been allocated, modified, terminated or exhausted for any reason (as determined by Enbridge in its sole discretion), and no rebates will be awarded and no payment will be made under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program if Enbridge Gas determines that funding for the program has been allocated, modified, terminated or exhausted.

The pre-retrofit home energy evaluation and the post-retrofit home energy evaluation must be completed by a Registered Energy Advisor (REA) that is licensed by Natural Resources Canada and it is highly recommended that the same REA conducts both the pre- and post-retrofit home evaluation. The program may be subject to change or cancellation without notice at any time.

To receive an enhanced rebate, at the time of the pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation, Participants must (a) have their home space heated by natural gas provided by Enbridge Gas; or be in the process of converting their home to be space heated by natural gas provided by Enbridge.

Eligibility rules

All applications must have a pre-retrofit energy assessment completed by Feb 5, 2024. 

For all files transferring from the CGHG must have an active application in the CGHG portal if not submitted by their energy advisor before Feb 5, 2024. To confirm if your energy advisor submitted the transfer please contact them directly. To find out if you have an active application with CGHG please log into the CGHG portal.  

The program is available for the following types of homes:

  • Single and semi-detached homes
  • Row housing
  • Townhomes
  • Mobile homes on a permanent foundation
  • Permanently moored floating homes
  • Mixed use buildings that have more than 50% of its area as residential living space.
  • Low-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) (three storeys or less with a building area of 600 m2 or less).

The following types of homes are not eligible:

  • Homes that are not space heated by natural gas provided by Enbridge Gas, where this is not the owner’s primary residence (rental units).
  • Homes less than 6 months old or incomplete structures.
  • Premises with 4 storeys or more.
  • Homes installing leased or rental heat pumps.
  • Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURB) with more than 3 storeys or building area larger than 600m2, including retirement homes.
  • Mixed-use buildings that have less than 50% of its area as residential living space

If a Participant has previously participated in and received (or expects to receive) a rebate or other incentive through another program including, but not limited to, the Home Efficiency Rebate (HER), Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG) or Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) program, such Participant may participate in this Program but will be ineligible to receive a Rebate of any amount for any Qualified Measures the Participant previously received (or expects to receive) a rebate or other incentive under Enbridge program(s). For example, if a Participant installed replacement windows at the Participant’s home and received a rebate under the CGHG program then the Participant will not be eligible to also receive a Rebate under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus Program for replacement windows. Any retrofit completed by the participant prior to completing the pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation will not be eligible for any rebate under the program unless the participant has obtained the prior consent of Enbridge Gas.

Participants must have their premises space heated by Enbridge gas, to receive the enhanced rebates.

The REA may offer, or refer participants to contractors that can offer, energy efficiency products and/or services, including qualified measures. The provision and installation of these products and/or services is unrelated to the program and are not eligible to receive any rebates or incentives under the program, and the participant is under no obligation to proceed/purchase the products or services offered by any REA or REA-referred contractor. Enbridge Gas is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse or recommend any products and/or services offered by any REA or REA-referred contractor. Additionally, Enbridge Gas does not make any warranty regarding the suitability and/or use of these products and or services, and it shall not be held responsible for any claim, damage, direct or indirect, special or consequential, incurred due to the use of the product and/or service offered by any REA or REA referred contractor.

Measure Criteria

The total rebate amount received by any participant cannot exceed the total cost of the evaluations and the qualifying retrofits completed by the customers. The rebate amount will be adjusted if this is the case. The maximum rebate amount paid out per premises is $10,000 for Enbridge Gas customers and $5,000 for non-Enbridge Gas customers for the lifetime of the program.

The below measure criteria has been taken directly from the Canada Greener Homes Grant website as Enbridge Gas is following their eligibility rules for the program. For full criteria, please visit the Canada Greener Homes Grant website.

Assessment/ Evaluation Cost:

The combined funding available to any participant under both the HER+ program and the Canada Greener Homes Grant for the cost of pre- and post-assessments may not exceed $600 per premises (for the entire life of both programs). In other words, if a participant has already received $600 from the Canada Greener Homes Grant, such participant would not be eligible to receive any funding under the HER+ program in respect of the pre- and post-assessments.

Renewable energy systems

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System

Eligibility criteria for a solar photovoltaic system grant:

  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada.
  • Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from a distributor located in Canada.
  • The system must be comprised of one or more PV panels and inverter(s) (if required) certified to CSA Standards.
  • The total system peak power capacity must be equal to or greater than 1.0 kW DC.
  • For a grid connected* system, a copy of the letter of approval or permission for interconnection issued by the local electrical or building authority is required.

Additional information:

  • There are no national nor provincial/territorial certifications for PV system designers/installers. You may retain a contractor or design and install the system yourself. If you decide to implement your own retrofits, note that personal labour costs are not eligible for a grant.
  • A PV system is eligible for a grant if it is a first-time installation or if it is an addition to an existing system.
  • A PV system is eligible for a grant regardless of whether or not the house is connected to the grid.
  • Ensure that the PV system is designed and installed in accordance with local building and electrical requirements.
  • It is recommended that you have a qualified PV professional assess your home and identify it as “Solar Ready” before your pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation.
  • Solar panels can be mounted on the house or ground, as long as they are on the property / land of the house associated with your application.
  • For roof-top installations it is recommended that both grid-connected systems and off-grid systems**, be done in accordance with SPE-900-13 Solar photovoltaic rooftop-installation best practices guideline developed by CSA.
  • Building permits may be required for both off-grid and grid-connected system installations.
  • The grant amount is pro-rated based on the added capacity to the house; for example, if you are adding 3.5 kW PV capacity to your home, you are eligible for a $3,500 grant.
  • Solar PV systems, off-grid incentives, and resiliency measures are paid for 100% by Natural Resources Canada, which provides a maximum $5000 for each premise. Since this is paid for by Natural Resources Canada, non-owner occupied applicants (Package C) are not eligible for these rebates.

* Grid-connected system: the solar photovoltaic system is connected such that it can deliver power to a supply authority system.

**Off-grid system: the solar photovoltaic system delivers power solely to the home; it does not deliver power to a supply authority system.

Full solar guidelines here

Resiliency measures

All resiliency measures and/or a thermostat must be combined with another energy efficiency measure in order to qualify for the rebate. Resiliency measures are not eligible for non-owner-occupied premises.

Batteries connected to photovoltaic systems

  • Must be connected to a permanently mounted photovoltaic system;
  • Batteries can be for a new battery system, the replacement of existing batteries or to supplement an existing battery system;
  • Batteries must be rated for deep cycle (any technology);
  • Inverter and charge controller purchase and installation costs can be included as part of the battery system’s total cost; and
  • Batteries must be permanently installed (i.e. portable batteries and electric vehicles are not eligible for this grant).

Best practices:

  • Batteries can be added to an existing PV system, or be for a newly installed PV system that also qualifies for HER+ for renewable energy systems.
  • Consider (if required or included) an inverter with true sinewave output, a minimum continuous capability of 1200 Watts (W) and a minimum surge capability of 2500 W
  • Consider a battery system with a minimum total capacity at 4500 Watt hours at 20 hours. To determine amp hours, divide 4500 Watt hours by the voltage of the battery. For example, for a 12 volt battery the capacity required is 375 Amp hours
  • Inverter and charge controller should be certified to CSA C22.2 107.1, “Power conversion equipment” or CSA C22.2 62109, “Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems”.
  • Discuss maintenance, warranties and specifications with your supplier or contractor when selecting the most appropriate type and size of batteries for your specific usage.
  • The installation or inspection of a battery back-up system must be undertaken by a licensed and trained professional.
  • An electrical permit for installation of the batteries and any related equipment or work must be obtained, as required. Please note that recent changes to the Canadian Electrical Code may prohibit battery installations inside dwellings so check with your supplier, installer or local code authority.

Roofing membrane

  • The roofing underlayment must be self-adhering;
  • The roofing underlayment must be applied to the entire surface area of the roof that covers enclosed spaces, including attached garages; and
  • The self-adhering underlayment must be certified to ASTM D1970 / D1970M, “Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection” or CSA A123.22, “Self-adhering polymer modified bituminous sheet materials used as steep roofing underlayment for ice dam protection.”

Best practices:

  • The self-adhering underlayment should be compatible with the type of roof (e.g. some roofs such as metal ones, may require a self-adhering underlayment that withstands higher temperatures).
  • The application of a self-adhering underlayment can increase the risk of condensation forming under the roof surface. Ensure adequate roof venting is present in all types of roofs.
  • Consult your contractor to reduce the risk of moisture accumulation in the roof assembly, such as in the case of a cathedral type roof.
  • Torched on membranes and flat roofs are not eligible as a roofing membrane is already part of a standard flat roof installation.

Basement wall waterproofing

A grant is available for waterproofing the below-grade wall sections of basements. Crawl space and slab-on-grade foundations are not eligible for this grant.

  • Waterproofing must be performed on the exterior side of the below-grade basement wall with rubberized or polymer membranes (e.g. waterproof-rated spray, trowel-on, roll-on and sheet materials). Ensure that a waterproofing membrane is used and not a damp/moisture-proofing membrane.
  • a minimum 80% of the below-grade wall area must be waterproofed. This applies to all exterior facing below-grade basement walls but does not include party walls between homes (e.g. semi-detached homes).

Best practices:

  • Waterproofing 100% of the below-grade wall area;
  • Seal all existing cracks, holes and penetrations with hydraulic sealing compounds;
  • Ensure proper drainage (i.e. air gap drainage membrane, drainage board or free draining backfill);
  • Ensure the presence of drainage tile (i.e. weeping tile or French drain), either new or existing, as long as it is in good working condition;
  • Install exterior drainage membranes to provide a drainage layer and protection to the waterproofed surface;
  • Add insulation to the exterior side of the wall when waterproofing;
  • Verify that products used are specified for waterproofing. Simple paint brush or roller applied interior sealants are considered damp/moisture-proofing membranes, and are not eligible for the waterproofing incentive as they are not rated to withstand hydrostatic pressure;
  • Review all warranties from waterproofing companies for the services rendered and products used;
  • Waterproofing is typically not considered a do-it-yourself project due to inherent risks such as excavation work. However, do-it-yourself waterproofing is acceptable but evidence of work (e.g. pictures and invoices for purchased products) performed a t various stages is required to ensure compliance with the listed requirements; and
  • If required, obtain a building permit.

Moisture proofing crawl space floor, walls and headers

All closed and vented crawl spaces are eligible for the moisture/damp-proofing grant. Crawl space moisture proofing is also known as encapsulation.

  • 100% of the floors, walls and headers of all crawl spaces must be covered by a continuous moisture barrier; for example, a minimum 6 mil polyethylene barrier on the floor and closed-cell foam on the walls and headers. Consult with your local building authority.
  • All seams, edges and penetrations in the moisture barrier must be sealed with suitable materials such as tape and caulking (check specifications with manufacturer or supplier).

Best practices:

  • All water infiltration issues need to be addressed first (e.g. existing leaks, flooding issues).
  • All issues with insect and vermin need to be addressed before starting on an encapsulation project.
  • When a crawl space is attached to a basement, the crawl space’s moisture barrier must be sealed to the basement foundation junction (e.g. floors and walls). If there is a structural or full wall between the two, with or without an access hatch, then the crawl space’s common wall must be moisture proofed as part of the 100% encapsulation;
  • Continuous moisture barrier should be of 0.75 perms (43 ng/Pa·s·m²) or less or otherwise specified in local building code.
  • When using polyethylene, ideally choose 10 mil or thicker as it is stronger and more robust.
  • If wall and header insulation such as closed-cell foam is used as the moisture barrier it may also be eligible for the crawl space insulation grant.
  • Encapsulation can be performed by the homeowner or a contractor.
  • Review all warranties from encapsulation companies for the services rendered and the products used.
  • If a combustion appliance is located in the crawl space, verify with a heating professional that there are no issues of concern.
  • If required, obtain a building permit.

Ground source heat pumps

Two grants are available for ground source heat pump systems:

  1. the installation of a full system or,
  2. the replacement of the heat pump unit.

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Installation: Your ground source heat pump unit must be installed by a licensed and trained professional. Before accepting the quote from a licensed professional, it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their licence to install equipment in your province or territory.
  • Attestation: It is highly recommended that you ask the licensed and trained professional to sign an attestation form confirming that the installation has been completed according to the CSA standard—ANSI/CSA/IGSHPA C448 SERIES (latest version), “Design and installation of ground source heat pump systems for commercial and residential buildings. Download the attestation form.
  • Eligible product list: Your new ground source heat pump must be on the list of eligible products.
  • NOTE: the rebate listed on NRCan’s eligibility list is only the Canada Greener Homes Grant rebate amount, Enbridge Gas heated homes may be eligible for enhanced rebates.
  • Direct expansion (DX), water-to-water, and brine-to-water systems are not eligible.
  • Equipment Rentals: Rented or leased units will not qualify for a rebate.
  • Purchase location: All ground source heat pump equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from a distributor located in Canada.
  • The full specification list can be found here.

Air source heat pumps and cold climate air source heat pumps

Heat pumps for which a grant is provided can be a first-time installation of a heat pump system or a replacement of an existing heat pump system. The heat pump system can work as a standalone system or in conjunction with an existing backup heating system. Note that the backup system is not eligible for the grant; only the heat pump system would receive the grant.

Participants going from an Enbridge heated home to an electric ASHP still qualify for the higher rebates.

Learn more about heat pumps

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Installation: Your air source heat pump or cold climate air source heat pump must be installed by a licensed and trained professional. Before accepting the quote from a licensed professional, it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their licence to install equipment in your province or territory.
  • Heat distribution: The Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative requires that the heat pump system be capable of distributing heat throughout the entire conditioned space in the house, including the basement (for basements where the distance from the top of the floor slab to the bottom of the ceiling joist is 1.8 m or higher). This applies regardless of whether the heat pump system is a central ducted, mini- or multi-split ducted or ductless system. The mechanical system contractor is responsible for specifying (including load calculations, sizing and selection) and installing the new heat pump system to meet this requirement.

A minimum of one warm air supply outlet or indoor head is required on every floor, including each level of a split-level, mezzanine level, etc., of each dwelling unit in the building. More than one warm air supply outlet and/or indoor head per floor may be required to ensure heat distribution to the entire building.

Example: In a two-unit residential building (bungalow or house with a basement suite, or duplex) where part of the basement is dwelling 1 and where the remainder of the basement together with the main floor make up dwelling 2, three heads are required. A head is required in dwelling 1, and one on each storey of dwelling 2.

  • Attestations: It is highly recommended that you ask the mechanical system contractor to sign an attestation form confirming that the air source heat pump or cold climate air source heat pump is capable of distributing heat throughout the entire house.
  • Eligible product lists: Your new heat pump must be on the list of eligible products. All components of a heat pump system (indoor and outdoor units, and furnace or air handling unit) must be compatible and listed together as an eligible product. Use the AHRI number and make and model of the indoor and outdoor units provided by the mechanical system contractor to confirm that your heat pump is included on the list.
    • NOTE: the rebate listed on NRCan’s eligibility list is only the Canada Greener Homes Grant rebate amount, Enbridge Gas heated homes may be eligible for enhanced rebates.
  • Equipment Rentals: Rented or leased units will not qualify for a rebate.
  • Purchase location: All equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from a distributor located in Canada.

Note 1: The heat pump system is not typically sized to deliver 100% of the peak heating load as this could lead to an oversized system that frequently cycles on/off. Mechanical system contractors should design a system that optimizes the energy savings for a house and increases the comfort of occupants. Based on the house-as-a-system, the design should account for the anticipated heat requirements based on other planned energy efficiency upgrades to the building envelope (such as the installation of insulation, the replacement of windows or air sealing) in order to avoid oversizing the unit. While heat pump systems can also provide air conditioning in the summer, air conditioning considerations are secondary in the sizing of system design. It is recommended that the toolkit for air source heat pump sizing and selection be used by the mechanical system contractor to determine the optimal sizing needs.

A new heat pump system can be integrated into an existing heat pump system. However, only the new system is eligible for a grant, if it meets all eligibility requirements, and the new and existing systems together distribute heat throughout the entire conditioned space in the home, including the basement when applicable as defined above.

Note 2: Coils Only Systems (i.e. systems listed under the AHRI classification HRCU-A-C):

For a limited number of centrally ducted heat pumps, known as “Coils Only” systems, the inside and outside units can be paired with furnaces that are already installed in homes. These systems have their inside and outside units listed with their own AHRI number under the AHRI classification HRCU-A-C. The search result on the Eligible Product List will show model numbers for the inside and outside units, while the furnace field will say “Coils Only”.

For a “Coils Only” heat pump system, steps must be taken to ensure their heating and cooling performance. Homeowners must work with their mechanical system contractors to understand the implications of operating this system with their existing furnace and thermostat. This is important as custom combinations of “Coils Only”, without pairing it with appropriate furnaces and controls, can limit the benefits of the heat pump system, potentially reducing the energy efficiency and home comfort.

When considering “Coils Only” products, to ensure optimum performance and savings, it is strongly recommended that:

  • the furnace has a blower with an Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) or variable speed
  • the furnace controls allow the thermostat to work properly with the heat pump system
  • the thermostat must be compatible with both the heat pump and the furnace
  • the rated airflow of the furnace and the heat pump are similar

Heat pump water heaters

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Installation: Your new heat pump water heater must be installed by a licensed and trained professional. Before accepting the quote from a licensed professional, it is highly recommended that you obtain proof of their license to install equipment in Ontario.
  • Eligible product list: Your new heat pump water heater must be on the list of eligible products.
    • NOTE: the rebate listed on NRCan’s eligibility list is only the Canada Greener Homes Grant rebate amount, Enbridge Gas heated homes may be eligible for enhanced rebates.
  • Purchase location: All heat pump water heater equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from a distributor located in Canada.
  • Equipment Rentals: Rented or leased units will not qualify for a rebate.
  • Performance criteria: Replace your domestic water heater with an ENERGY STAR certified domestic heat pump water heater (HPWH).

ENERGY STAR technical specifications

Windows and Doors

Eligibility criteria for a grant:


  • A complete new window or door and frame replacement can be inserted into the existing frame of an old window or door, but replacements of only the glass, sash or door without a frame are not eligible.
  • Each rough opening is eligible for a grant of up to $325, up to a maximum of $10,000.
  • Skylights are not eligible.
  • A rough opening is defined as a structurally stable opening in an outside wall. The opening may be surrounded by framing members (e.g., studs, lintels) or by solid material (e.g., concrete, solid wood logs). A rough opening serves the purpose of installing one or more windows or doors. The HER+ grant is offered per rough opening, as opposed to per number of windows or doors installed within the opening. For example, a bay window with three window units installed into one rough opening is eligible for only one grant.

Learn more about replacing your windows and doors

Exposed floor insulation

Insulating exposed floors, such as the floor of a room above an attached garage or the floor of an addition where the floor is exposed to the outdoors, can improve comfort, and save energy.

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Insulate the entire exposed floor area (minimum area of 11 square meters or 120 square feet).
  • The exposed floor area may be composed of either one large, exposed floor area or multiple smaller areas.
  • This can include overhangs and floors above unheated spaces such as an unheated garage.
  • Crawl spaces are excluded as there are separate grants for crawl spaces.

Attic Insulation (Attic/Cathedral Ceiling/Flat roof)

A roof assembly can be an attic, a cathedral ceiling, a flat roof, or a combination of any of these three. The amount of the grant you receive will be based on your entire roof assembly, whatever its combination and whether or not they can be accessed.

Eligibility criteria for the grant:

  • Insulate a minimum 20% of the total area of your roof assembly.
  • You must increase the insulation value (R-value or RSI).
  • Any additional insulation must be added to the same location as the insulation present at the time of the pre-retrofit evaluation. For example, if the attic floor was insulated, add insulation to the attic floor or if the attic ceiling was insulated, add insulation to the ceiling.


  • The grant amount you receive will be pro-rated based on the percentage of the total roof assembly that you insulate. Inaccessible roof spaces also count towards the entire area of the roof assembly.
  • The maximum grant amounts listed reflect a situation where your home has only one type of roof assembly (attic, cathedral ceiling, or flat roof).
  • The total grant amount for any combination of attic, cathedral ceiling and flat roof insulation cannot exceed $2350

Exterior Wall Insulation

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Insulate a minimum 20% of your exterior wall area, excluding foundation walls.


  • The grant amount will be pro-rated based on the total percentage of your walls that you choose to insulate. This means that if you insulate 80% of your wall area, you would qualify for 80% of the amount listed.
  • For a semi-detached or end unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant. The maximum grant amount you would be eligible for is 75% of the listed amounts.
  • For a middle unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant, the maximum grant amount you would qualify for is 50% of the listed amounts.
  • There are no grants available for insulating walls between individual units.

Basement Insulation

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Insulate a minimum of 20% of the basement wall area.
  • Seal and insulate a minimum 80% of your entire basement header area.
  • Seal and insulate a minimum 50% of your entire basement slab area.


  • You can receive combined grants for adding insulation to the basement walls, headers and slabs.
  • For a semi-detached or end unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant; the maximum you would be eligible for is 75% of the listed amounts.
  • For a middle unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant; the maximum grant amount you would qualify for is 50 percent of the listed amounts.
  • There are no requirements to insulate walls and headers between adjacent units, therefore there are no grants available for this work.
  • When both a basement and crawl space are present, all applicable grants are pro-rated to a maximum of $2,000 based on the total wall area and the insulation added.

Crawlspace Insulation

Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Add insulation to crawl space walls and headers, or ceiling.
  • If you are also insulating your basement walls, the maximum you can receive for insulating both areas is $2,000.


  • If you live in a semi-detached or end unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant; the maximum you would be eligible for is 75% of the listed amounts.
  • If you live in a middle unit row house, you will not qualify for the full amount of the grant; the maximum you would be eligible for is 50% of the listed amounts.
  • When both a basement and crawl space are present, all applicable walls grants are pro-rated to a maximum of $2,000 based on the total wall area and the insulation added.

Air sealing

Your Renovation Upgrade Report provided by your Registered Energy Advisor will provide you with a target to improve the airtightness of your home. Typically, the airtightness levels required for a grant would be achieved with the assistance of an air-sealing professional.

An invoice or receipt must be provided when air sealing is done alone or with a heat pump to show what work was done. The total rebate amount received by any participant cannot exceed the total cost of the air sealing work completed by the customers. The rebate amount will be adjusted if this is the case.

Note: In some instances, performing air sealing may result in inadequate ventilation, which may be detrimental to the house and its occupants. Please seek additional information from your energy advisor and a qualified ventilation contractor.


Eligibility criteria for a grant:

  • Must be combined with an additional HER+ energy efficiency retrofit measure not including any of the resiliency measures.
  • Exclusions: New heat pumps are installed with new thermostats and cannot be combined with this measure.
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from a distributor located in Canada.
  • Must be switching a manual to a programmable or smart thermostat.
  • Must be purchased between the pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations
  • To receive both rebates ($50 from HER+ and $75 from the Enbridge Gas Smart Thermostat Rebate program) a qualifying thermostat must be purchased, and the smart functions activated, between the pre and post retrofit energy assessments.

Enbridge Gas’s Smart Thermostat program

Enbridge Gas customers are eligible for an additional $75 off the purchase of a smart thermostat. In order to receive both rebates, they must follow the above criteria and the Enbridge Gas’s Smart Thermostat Rebate criteria,

  • Must be a residential Enbridge Gas customer.
  • Home is heated with a natural gas furnace or boiler.
  • Live in a detached or semi-detached home or row townhouse. Stacked townhouses do not qualify.
  • Customer has not previously received a smart thermostat rebate or device from Enbridge Gas.
  • Must be one of the eligible smart thermostat models on the Enbridge Gas Smart Thermostat Rebate webpage.
  • To receive both rebates the thermostat must be purchased, and the smart functions activated, between the pre and post retrofit energy assessments

MURB (Multi-Unit Residential Building)

A low-rise MURB is defined based on Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada as having three or fewer storeys in building height above ground and having a building area not exceeding 600 m2. MURBs must either be stacked (up/down) or have a common area. Retirement homes and townhouses are not MURBs.

Side-by-side attached units/houses are considered row houses and are not MURBs.

Two-unit MURBs, including houses with secondary suites, are entitled to all the same rebates as attached and detached houses (e.g., eligible for heat pumps and heat pump water heaters).

Retirement homes are not eligible. MURBs over three storeys above ground or over 600 m2 in building area are not eligible.

MURBs are eligible for grants for the following retrofits:

  • Insulation
  • Air sealing
  • Windows and doors (these are not multiplied just get the set grant/ rough opening)
  • Renewable energy
  • Resiliency measures

MURBs (excluding two-unit MURBs and houses with secondary suites) are not eligible for grants related to the following:

  • Heat pumps and heat pump water heaters
  • Thermostats
  • Furnaces and boilers (in northern and off-grid communities)

Additional eligibility criteria for MURBs

Homeowners living in a low-rise MURB must ensure they meet all eligibility requirements for HER+ in addition to the following requirements:

  • A single pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation must be performed on the entire structure (including all units and common areas) and not on a unit-by-unit basis. Homeowners within the MURB need to organize themselves (e.g., by way of a condo board) in such a way that all homeowners are aware that an evaluation will be taking place.
  • Retrofits in a MURB must be agreed to by the person or persons able to make decisions about the renovations to the building.
  • For MURBs not space heated by Enbridge Gas in which one person owns the entire building and rents out units within in, the owner must live within the building as their primary residence. The maximum grant amount that can be given in this case is $5,000.
  • For MURBs with multiple homeowners, up to four individual homeowners within the MURB can apply for grants of up to $10,000 each based on the MURBs multiplier table (see Calculating incentives below). All applications must be based on the pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations undertaken for the entire structure.
  • The MURB must have at least 50% of its total area, including the basement, as residential living space and the building must be habitable all year.

Individual homeowners within the low-rise MURB must apply for individual grants of up to $10,000 based on the EnerGuide evaluations undertaken for the entire structure.

Maximum number of participants per MURB building

For MURBs with multiple homeowners, multiple participants may be required to participate and receive a portion of the total home’s rebate. Each individual can only receive up to $5000 for non-Enbridge Gas heated homes, and $10,000 for Enbridge heated homes.

Number of dwelling units per MURB 2–3 4–6 7–9 10–12 13–16 17+
Maximum number of participants 1 2 2 3 3 4

Calculating grants

The maximum allowable grant amount for MURBs will be calculated based on the number of units within the building. The table below provides the multiplier amount.

Number of dwelling units per MURB 2–3 4–6 7–9 10–12 13–16 17+
MURB Multiplier 1X 1.5X 2X 2.5X 3X 4X
Max Rebate for a EGI Home $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000
Max Rebate for a Non EGI Home $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $12,500 $15,000 $20,000
Two-unit MURBs, including houses with secondary suites, are entitled to all the same grants as attached and detached houses

The role of the multiplier factor is to account for larger areas to insulate or renovate when comparing an MURB to a single dwelling. Eligibility criteria for respective insulation measures remain the same as described in the list of incentive measures (for example, insulating a minimum of 20% of the total area of the attic/ceiling). As for regular homes, MURBS can not receive a grant for more than 100% of the costs of the renovation.

Off-Grid Community

You qualify for this rebate if you are a homeowner:

  • not currently connected to the North American electrical grid nor to the piped natural gas network
  • living in a permanent or long-term (five years or more) settlement with at least 10 dwellings, in Ontario.
  • Within one of these communities:
    • Armstrong
    • Bearskin Lake
    • Biscotasing
    • Collins
    • Deer Lake
    • Fort Severn
    • Gull Bay
    • Kasabonika
    • Kingfisher Lake
    • Kitchenuhmaykoosib
    • Neskantaga
    • Oba
    • Ogoki
    • Sachigo Lake
    • Sandy Lake
    • Sultan
    • Wapekeka Reserve 1
    • Weagamow Lake
    • Webequie
    • Whitesand
    • Fort Hope
    • Keewaywin
    • Muskrat Dam Lake
    • Summer Beaver
    • North Spirit Lake
    • Peawanuck
    • Pikangikum
    • Poplar Hill
    • Wawakapewin
    • Wunnumin Lake

Off-Grid participants can also receive a rebate on a furnace or boiler

Boiler, furnace (off-grid communities)

Below is the Participant Terms & Conditions and Information Disclosure that will be provided at your pre-retrofit energy audit by your Registered Energy Advisor. Each participant is required to sign their copy of this document before the file can be submitted.

I, the participant, must review and agree to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) for the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program delivered by Enbridge Gas Inc. Please note, before agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, Enbridge Gas Inc. or Natural Resources Canada may change any term including the rebate amount without prior notice. The terms, including the full rebate amount, applicable to the participant will be those offered at the time of project completion and agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

IMPORTANT: Any false or misleading statement with respect to the application process and grant eligibility may result in ineligibility, application cancellation and/or revoking grant amounts. Participants are solely responsible for reviewing the eligibility criteria and are responsible for protecting themselves against fraud.

1. Disclosure; Consent To Use Information

As a participant in the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information (including, but not limited to, necessary identification information, photos, contact information, property tax information, and financial information) by Enbridge Gas Inc. and the applicable registered energy advisor (“REA”) for the purposes of administering my participation in the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program. Enbridge Gas Inc. may collect and use my personal information for the purposes of, without limitation: reporting on the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program; determining eligibility for the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program; sending follow-up surveys; conducting studies, audits, evaluations, or other verifications related to the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program; and for such other purposes lawfully permitted by applicable privacy laws and Enbridge’s Privacy Statement. I further understand that the above information will also be shared with Natural Resources Canada in accordance with applicable privacy laws and Enbridge’s Privacy Statement. In connection with my participation in the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, I understand that Enbridge Gas Inc. may contact me directly, including by email or phone, for the above purposes.

Pursuant to Canada’s anti-spam legislation, Enbridge Gas Inc., hereby requests my express consent to contact me at the electronic address or phone number listed in this acknowledgement with information about future conservation programs, or additional Enbridge Gas Inc. programs and services such as paperless billing. By signing this document, I am confirming my consent.

I understand that if I have any questions to change or to withdraw my consent in how my personal information may be used, I can contact Enbridge Gas Inc. by mail: attention Privacy Officer at Enbridge Gas Inc., 500 Consumers Rd, North York ON, M2J 1P8 or by email:

2. Eligibility, Evaluation, Monitoring and Verification

As an eligible applicant to the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, and as a condition of receiving the rebate, I declare and attest to the following: (i) I am eligible for a grant under Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program; and (ii) the information that I am providing in the Application is true, accurate and complete. I further acknowledge that: (iii) it is an offence to knowingly make false or misleading statements; and (iv) incomplete Applications, including a failure to comply with Application requirements may delay the processing of the Application or render the Application ineligible for payment under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program.

As a participant, I agree upon request by Enbridge Gas Inc. and Natural Resources Canada or its authorised service organizations to participate in any survey, studies, audits, evaluations or verifications conducted in connection with the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, including for the purposes of the proper administration, other program participation (as noted in Section 6 below), monitoring and verification of these Terms and Conditions or evaluation of the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, and will provide to them reasonable access to participant records and facilities for such purposes. I agree to provide any additional requested information and supporting documents needed to evaluate the Application.

3. Provision of Products and/or Services by Others

A registered energy advisor may offer, or refer me to contractors that can offer, energy efficiency products and/or services, including Qualified Measures. I understand and acknowledge that the provision and installation of these products and/or services is unrelated to the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program and I am under no obligation to proceed/purchase the products or services offered by any REA or REA-referred contractor. Enbridge Gas Inc. and Natural Resources Canada are not affiliated with, nor endorse or recommend, any products and/or services offered by any REA or REA referred contractor. Additionally, Enbridge Gas Inc. and Natural Resources Canada do not make any warranty for the suitability and use of these products and or services, and shall not be held responsible for any claim, damage, direct or indirect, special, or consequential incurred by the use of the product and/or service offered by any REA or REA referred contractor.

4. Indemnity

As a participant in the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program , I certify that I will: (i) indemnify and save harmless each of Enbridge Gas Inc. and Natural Resources Canada in delivering this program and their respective directors, officers and employees from any and all liability and all claims, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages), expenses and proceedings for personal injury (including death) or property damage of any person relating to, in connection with, resulting from, or arising out of the initiative or any other matter contemplated by these Terms and Conditions and (ii) hereby release and forever discharge Enbridge Gas Inc., and Natural Resources Canada from any and all manner of action and inaction, cause or causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever at law or in equity arising out of, or which are in any way related to, the initiative or any other matter contemplated by these Terms and Conditions.

5. Program Participation

I confirm that I have provided the REA information and program details that I participated or will participate from other government energy efficiency programs or similar programs for the same qualifying energy efficiency improvements for which I received or will receive rebates through.

As a participant, I agree that Enbridge Gas Inc. is entitled to claim the natural gas savings arising out of the Qualifying Measures that receive a rebate from Enbridge Gas Inc. for the purpose of reporting to the Ontario Energy Board.

I agree that Enbridge Gas Inc. can share the information I provide under this Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program with other organizations for purposes of determining my eligibility for a rebate.

6. Funding of the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus Program

I understand that this Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program is Federally funded by Natural Resources Canada and delivered with additional enhanced rebates provided by Enbridge Gas Inc to Ontario Enbridge Gas space heated customers.

7. Payment

I acknowledge that: (i) I am paying out of pocket for a pre- and post-audit and will be re-imbursed $600 of that cost back only if I successfully complete the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program with at least one eligible measure; (ii) including up to $600 for the audit reimbursement amount, the maximum amount of funding under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program is $5,600 for non-Enbridge Gas homes and $10,600 for Enbridge Gas space-heated homes; (iii) and submission of this Application does not constitute a commitment on the part of Natural Resources Canada or Enbridge Gas Inc. to award funding. I further acknowledge and agree that in the event that Enbridge Gas Inc. determines that the total funding for the evaluations and the energy improvements for which I am seeking a rebate under this Initiative, and from other sources, exceeds the total cost of the evaluations and energy improvements I have undertaken, Natural Resources Canada and Enbridge Gas Inc. may reduce my grant amount accordingly, and in exceptional circumstances, may request a full or partial refund of any grant amounts paid to me. I understand that grants will be processed and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds for the Initiative have been allocated, and that no payment can be made under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program if funding for the program is modified or terminated.

8. Miscellaneous

Except as otherwise provided, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between myself and Enbridge Gas Inc., in connection with its subject matter and supersede all prior representations, communications, negotiations and understandings, whether oral, written, express or implied, concerning the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions may not be varied, amended or supplemented except by an agreement by Enbridge Gas Inc. These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. These Terms and Conditions will ensure to the benefit of and are binding upon Enbridge Gas Inc. and myself and the respective successors and permitted assigns of Enbridge Gas Inc. and myself. These Terms and Conditions will not be assigned by myself to another person. I will, from time to time, on written request by Enbridge Gas Inc., do all such further acts and execute and deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all such further things as may be reasonably required in order to fully perform and to more effectively implement these Terms and Conditions. The invalidity, unenforceability or illegality of any provision in these Terms and Conditions will not, to the extent permitted by applicable law, affect the validity, enforceability or legality of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, which will remain in full force and effect. The insertion of headings is for convenience of reference only and will not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions. The terms “hereof”, “hereunder”, and similar expressions refer to these Terms and Conditions and not to any particular section or other part of these Terms and Conditions. The word “including” means “including without limitation”, and the words “include” and “includes” have a corresponding meaning.