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Strategic energy management customized for schools

The Whole Building Pay for Performance (P4P) program is a data-driven approach for improving the energy efficiency of your school. We provide complimentary coaching and customized solutions to suit the energy management needs of each participating customer. Energy performance is measured over three years, with the opportunity to earn incentives* year over year for achieving annual reductions in natural gas consumption.

Benefits of our energy-saving program

A dedicated delivery agent will assess your school’s energy use and recommend the best upgrades to meet your energy goals. Throughout the program duration, your dedicated delivery agent will provide support and monitor progress to ensure you meet your energy-saving goals.

Receive incentives to lower operating costs and achieve long-term energy savings.

Meet your sustainability goals and reduce your federal carbon charge.

Improve comfort for students and staff.

Receive dedicated, customized and continuous technical support.

Examples of energy-efficient upgrades for schools

Your dedicated program delivery agent will suggest the right upgrades to improve your energy use and meet your needs.

Capital improvements

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    Ventilation upgrades such as energy recovery ventilator (ERV)/heat recovery ventilator (HRV).

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    Building automation upgrades such as controls.

Operational and behavioural improvements

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    Sensor recalibrations.

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    Leak repairs in heating pipes and pumps.

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    Heating and cooling systems optimizations.

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    Fault detection and diagnostics.

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    Window and door closures to keep treated air inside.

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    Temperature level adjustments in unoccupied spaces.

How the program works

Step 1: Analyze

Startup must be completed by Oct. 31, 2024.

Your dedicated program delivery agent will complete a baseline modelling analysis of your building’s energy performance (based on 12 months of natural gas use) to identify and prioritize energy-saving opportunities.

What you’ll receive:

A report with recommendations and a personalized workshop to help you select the improvements you’re interested in pursuing.

Step 2: Implementation and incentives

Monitoring performance over three years.

Your dedicated program delivery agent will provide support and guidance and track progress during the implementation of improvement projects to ensure that you are on track to achieve savings—all at no charge.

What you’ll receive:

Quarterly and annual performance reports along with annual performance incentives of $0.30/m3 for meter-verified incremental reduction in annual natural gas consumption year over year.

Step 3: Bonus incentives

Earn bonus incentives, paid at the end of performance period three.

What you’ll receive:

In addition to annual performance incentives, qualified participants can earn final performance incentives of $0.10/m3, as well as a bonus incentive, by the end of performance period three.

Get expert help for energy savings

Our Enbridge Gas contracted dedicated delivery agents include:

Enerlife Consulting

* HST will not be included in incentive payments. In order to participate, the facility must be an Enbridge Gas commercial customer. The existing building must have been operational without having undergone any capital retrofit upgrades between the start of the baseline period up to the start of the performance period. The participating facility must have an existing Enbridge Gas meter compatible with pulse interval metering equipment or already have an automatic meter reader (AMR)/pulse accumulator that allows Enbridge Gas and the program delivery agent the required access to the building’s interval data. The participating facility cannot participate in other Enbridge Gas energy efficiency programs simultaneously for the duration of the offer. The participant must commit to achieving 20 percent natural gas savings, above existing normalized baseline consumption, by the end of performance period three. A participant is considered enrolled in the program upon completion of the mandatory activities within the start-up period, which includes a natural gas baseline model completed by the program delivery agent and approved by Enbridge Gas; virtual/in-person charette/workshop delivered by the program delivery agent with key applicant stakeholders and the completion of a report summarizing site opportunities; natural gas interval meter data active and being collected (at a minimum of daily granularity); and a signed program application form. Participant shall work closely with the program delivery agent to determine the implementation timeline of each performance period and adhere to it with the purpose of realizing savings at the meter level. To actively monitor the facility’s energy performance, participant shall work with the program delivery agent by electing the following options: (a) applicant will provide the hourly interval meter reading report to the Enbridge Gas contracted program delivery agent for a period of 36 months during the performance period at a minimum bi-weekly basis, to monitor the facility’s natural gas consumption and perform the measurement and verification (M&V) analysis; or (b) applicant will provide the Enbridge Gas contracted program delivery agent access to interval meter reading systems to obtain the interval meter reading report at a minimum bi-weekly basis. The maximum performance incentive (annual performance incentive + final performance incentive) per participant cannot exceed $20,000.

Annual performance incentives will be awarded at the end of each performance period on an annual basis for the first 20 percent target achievement based on M&V of incremental natural gas savings at the meter relative to the baseline. Final performance incentives will be awarded at the end of the offer (the end of third year performance period) for achieving incremental natural gas savings beyond 20 percent, based on M&V of total natural gas savings at the meter relative to the baseline. Bonus incentives will be awarded at the end of the offer (at the end of third year performance period) if the participant stays enrolled throughout the offer duration and has achieved 20 percent or more performance target throughout the performance period based on M&V of total natural gas savings at the meter relative to the baseline.

Any references to energy savings are based on the assumption that the participant is reducing their natural gas consumption through participation in the Whole Building Pay for Performance (P4P) program.