There are plenty of reasons to use natural gas. Whether you're upgrading your furnace or buying a new barbecue, there are natural gas solutions to fit your household or property needs.

Natural gas can save you money

If you’re converting to natural gas from electricity, oil or propane, get ready for savings! When you compare, you’ll see that on average, natural gas is significantly less expensive than electricity, oil and propane.

Natural gas is versatile

Look around your home and you'll see a use for natural gas — from water heaters to clothes dryers to fireplaces. Natural gas can also be used outside — for barbecuing, lighting your yard and even heating your swimming pool.

Natural gas is a safe, consistent and reliable supply

With natural gas, you don’t have to think about running out of fuel or arranging for deliveries and it’s one of the safest energy sources available.

* See footnote

Natural gas adds value to your home

Since natural gas is today’s preferred fuel choice, adding a natural gas furnace and appliances can increase the resale value of your home when compared to alternative options.

Natural gas is convenient

Install a natural gas fireplace or campfire and enjoy cosy heat at the push of a button. With a natural gas barbecue you’ll never worry about running out of propane or charcoal again.

Natural gas has environmental benefits

Clean burning natural gas generates less solid waste and water pollution than other conventional energy sources.

Woman putting a bulb in

Learn about energy savings

*Based on 2,400 m3 annual consumption.
Notes: Natural gas price is based on Rate 1 rates in effect as of April 1, 2024. Oil and propane prices are based on the latest available retail prices. Electricity rates based on Toronto Hydro rates as of April 1, 2024, and Regulated Price Plan (RPP) customers that are on Time-Of-Use (TOU) pricing. It includes the Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER). Electric cold climate air source heat pumps are available but not included in the savings calculations. Costs have been calculated for the equivalent energy consumed and include all service, delivery and energy charges. The Federal carbon charge is included for all energy types as reported and expected to increase annually depending on government policies. HST is not included.
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