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Important Update: Home Efficiency Rebate Program

We would like to inform our valued customers that the Home Efficiency Rebate program has ended intake as of January 27, 2025. We appreciate your interest and participation in this program.

We are excited to announce our new initiative, the Home Renovation Savings™ program in partnership with Save on Energy, with endorsement from the Ontario government. This program aims to help Ontarians improve home energy efficiency and comfort.

Whether you heat your home with natural gas or electricity, this new program will offer significant rebates for energy-efficient upgrades like insulation, heat pumps, smart thermostats, solar panels, and more. Homeowners now have more choice, with flexible options to choose single or bundled upgrades for greater savings.

For more details and to apply, please visit

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to energy efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is the Home Efficiency Rebate program ending? The Home Efficiency Rebate program has concluded to make way for our new initiative, the Home Renovation Savings™ program, which offers enhanced rebates and more flexible options for home energy efficiency upgrades.
  2. What if my pre-retrofit energy assessment is scheduled after Jan. 27, 2025? If you have a pre-retrofit energy assessment scheduled after Jan. 27, 2025, you would not be eligible for the Home Efficiency Rebate program, but you can qualify for the rebates in the Home Renovation Savings program.

  3. What happens if I already started my application for the Home Efficiency Rebate program? If you have already started your application and completed the initial pre-retrofit energy assessment before January 28, 2025, you will still be eligible to complete the process and receive your rebate from the Home Efficiency Rebate program.

  4. If I had my pre-retrofit energy assessment before January 28, 2025 through the Home Efficiency Rebate program, can I transfer to the Home Renovation Savings program instead? No, if you had your pre-retrofit energy assessment before January 28, 2025, you cannot transfer to the Home Renovation Savings™ program. If you would like to participate in the Home Renovation Savings™ program, you will need to complete a new pre-retrofit energy assessment.
  5. How long before I receive my rebate? Rebates will be issued starting at the end of January and will be issued based on when your Energy Advisor submits your application. We are working to process these applications as quickly as possible. Make sure you’ve provided your Registered Energy Advisor with the best address to send your cheque to, so it arrives as soon as possible. We also ask for your email to provide you with updates along the way.

  6. How is the Home Renovation Savings™ program different from the Home Efficiency Rebate program? The Home Renovation Savings™ program offers more flexible options for homeowners, including the choice to select single or bundled upgrades for greater savings. It also includes additional rebates for energy-efficient upgrades like insulation, heat pumps, smart thermostats, and solar panels.

  7. There are a lot of companies claiming they are delivering the Home Efficiency Rebate program, can you provide a list of which Service Organizations are licensed by NRCan to deliver the program?



  8. How long do I have to complete my follow-up home energy assessment? The follow-up assessment is to be completed within 180 days of the initial assessment or by Dec. 31, 2025, whichever comes first. In special circumstances, extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Your service organization will request an extension on your behalf.

  9. Who do I contact if I have question about the program and what I qualify for? Please reach out to your registered energy advisor for any questions regarding assessments or what rebates you qualify for.

  10. Am I eligible if I heat my home with a natural gas fireplace? No, fireplaces are not considered a primary space heating type.

  11. Do I need to hire a professional contractor to complete the work? Some upgrades, such as air sealing, can be done quickly and easily with a little research and guidance. Hiring a contractor to complete upgrades is not mandatory. However, larger upgrades, such as installing a heat pump must be done by a professional. Be sure to ask for credentials, check reviews and get multiple quotes before choosing a contractor.

  12. Who do I contact if there is a problem with the retrofit contractor I used for the Home Efficiency Rebate program? If you encounter any issues or concerns regarding any of the authorized retrofits, upgrades or improvements implemented as part of the Home Efficiency Rebate (HER) program, or any issues or concerns regarding the contractor you have hired to implement any such authorized retrofits, upgrades or improvements, you must address such issues or concerns directly with the contractor. Enbridge Gas is not affiliated with any such contractor, and is in no way responsible for referring, selecting, or directly contracting with any such contractors.

  13. Does Enbridge Gas solicit participation for the Home Efficiency Rebate by calling door-to-door? Enbridge Gas does not solicit customers either door-to-door or over the phone for the Home Efficiency Rebate offer. Registered energy advisors will only come to your door when an appointment has been initiated and booked by you for an energy assessment for the Home Efficiency Rebate.

    Visit this webpage for more information on Enbridge Gas’ scam awareness.

  14. Why do I need to complete two upgrades? Your home works as a system. To improve its energy efficiency, it’s important to understand that all parts work together and affect each other’s performance. For example, without proper air sealing, even new insulation will let air escape. We recommend following your registered energy advisor’s advice on which upgrades will benefit the efficiency and comfort of your home. Note: You must install at least three windows to count as a qualifying upgrade.

  15. Why do you work with service organizations and energy advisors to deliver the program? We work with trusted service organizations across Ontario who are licensed with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). These service organizations are available every step of the way and will send an energy advisor registered with NRCan to complete the home energy assessments.

  16. Do I need to provide my Energy Advisor with copies of my receipts for the upgrades I completed? Yes, all participants must provide copies of their receipts/invoices and property tax bill before the registered energy advisor can submit the file for payment.

  17. Can I receive combined rebates from the Home Efficiency Rebate program and other programs outside of Enbridge? Yes. However, if you have received or expect to receive a rebate from any other utility, municipal or government program for the implementation of the same qualified upgrade you are applying for in HER, you must advise your registered energy advisor. The combined rebate total of any rebate received from Enbridge Gas plus any other rebates from other programs in respect to any HER qualifying upgrades may not exceed the actual cost incurred to upgrade such measure. For instance, if you spent $500 to upgrade your exposed floor insulation and you received or expect to receive $300 under another program, any rebate received from Enbridge may not exceed $200 for that same qualifying exposed floor insulation upgrade.

Home Efficiency Rebate terms and conditions