The SCO is a default rate that certain customers who are eligible for Energy Choice, but have not chosen a supplier or joined a governmental aggregation program, pay for their natural gas consumption.
The SCO rate is a variable rate determined monthly by the market price for gas (i.e.,, the NYMEX futures month-end settlement price) plus a retail price adjustment determined in an annual auction process. This option is available to residential customers and to nonresidential customer with annual usage of 200 Mcf or less. It may also be elected by medium nonresidential customers with annual usage of more than 200 Mcf and up to 500 Mcf by contacting Enbridge Gas Ohio.
Things to consider with standard choice offer:
- Do I want a monthly variable rate based on the market price of natural gas plus a retail price adjustment that is determined annually?
If you are an eligible residential customer that wishes to enroll in the SCO, contact us at 1-800-362-7557.
Find your current charges
If you participate in Energy Choice, your Current Charges portion shows the Enbridge Gas Ohio charges (basic service charge, usage based charges / mcf and gross receipts tax). Residential, small and medium business customers have a named supplier and additionally indicate the rate plan “Standard Choice Offer (SCO).”
This is the default option for eligible customers who have not chosen a supplier. Eligible customers can elect the SCO by contacting Enbridge Gas Ohio.