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Current natural gas rates and tariffs for residential and business customers

To see the rate used to calculate your bill, refer to the first page of your statement. See understand my bill for help locating your rate.

Access your billing history and statements online. If you have additional questions, call the 24/7 Customer Service Line toll-free at 877-776-2427.


Gas rates & charges summary Residential Small / medium business Commercial / industrial
Current rates & charges summary x x x
5 years archived rates & charges summary x x x


Gas rate descriptions Residential Small / medium business Commercial / industrial
101 rate schedule x
102 rate schedule x
125 rate schedule x
126 rate schedule x
127 rate schedule x
135 rate schedule x x x
140 rate schedule x
145 rate schedule x
150 rate schedule x
160 rate schedule x
165 rate schedule x
175 rate schedule x
180 rate schedule x


Gas lighting Residential Small / medium business Commercial / industrial
115 rate schedule x x x


Emergency services

Emergency Service as defined in Rider A of this Tariff shall be available to Customers served during any curtailment period, up to a maximum of 10 Dekatherms per day, at the rate of $20 00 per Dekatherm plus the cost of Gas used, as calculated under Rider A of this Tariff Emergency Service above 10 Dekatherms per day may be available to Customers at Enbridge Gas North Carolina's sole discretion, and upon prior written notification and approval.

Unauthorized Gas

If Enbridge Gas North Carolina does not authorize Emergency Service above 10 Dekatherms per day, and a Customer fails to discontinue the use of Gas after two hours' notice that Gas under this Rate Schedule is not available, all Gas so used shall be paid for by Customer at the rate of $50 00 per Dekatherm plus the cost of Gas used, as calculated under Rider A of this Tariff.


Rules & regulations Residential Small / medium business Commercial / industrial
Rules & regulations x x x
Rules & regulations – appendix A x x x
Rules & regulations – appendix B x x x


Other Residential Small / medium business Commercial / industrial
Annual service election form x
NC regulatory conditions & code of conduct x x x


Fee Schedule:

Reconnection – non-payment*
Residential: regular hours $80.00
Residential: after 5pm, weekdays, holidays $120.00
Non-residential: regular hours $120.00
Non-residential: after 5pm, weekdays, holidays $150.00

*All reconnections that exceed one hour shall be bill the indicated rates per hour.


Returned checks & bank drafts
Fee $25.00