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Everything you need to know about your Enbridge Gas bill

To better understand the various charges and terms that appear on your bill, view the bill samples in the sections below and refer to the details for each numbered item.

Billing and payment summary

1. Account summary
This statement shows your previous balance due, payments received and current charges.

2. Total amount due upon receipt
The total of the three parts of the account summary.

Usage history

3. Comparison
This table compares this year’s natural gas usage against last year’s usage, measured in average Dekatherms (DTH) per day and average dollars spent per day.

4. Usage history
This chart shows your monthly natural gas usage for the last 13 months.

Current meter and usage

5. Meter data table
This table shows the various data from your meter (such as current meter read and previous meter read) that is used to determine your natural gas usage for the current month.

6. Billed DTH
Billed DTH (decatherms) is determined by multiplying the dial difference (which is the difference between your current meter read and previous meter read) by the volume multiplier.

Explanation of charges

7. Service charges, taxes and fees
This section lists the charges that make up your bill. For more details on these charges, please refer to the applicable rates and tariff.

8. Charge for gas used
This cost is determined by multiplying billed DTH by the average cost per DTH (this average is comprised of non-gas costs and gas costs). Learn about gas costs.

9. Current gas billing
The total of all service charges, taxes and fees (point 7 as shown above) for the current month. This sum is factored into the account summary to calculate total amount due upon receipt.

Additional resources

  • Gas meter and technician icon

    How to read your meter
    Your meter tracks your natural gas usage, in cubic feet, much like a car odometer counts the cumulative total of miles driven.

  • Announcement icon

    Billing inserts
    Stay in the loop with our recent bill inserts and customer communications.

  • Icon with bill with dollar sign and up arrow

    Understanding gas costs
    An overview of how the cost of natural gas supplies can affect your bill over time.

  • Bill icon

    Estimated bill FAQs
    Read frequently asked questions about an estimated bill.

Frequently asked questions

The amount due on your bill will change throughout the year for a variety of reasons. If you would like a more predictable bill every month, consider enrolling in Budget Billing.

Factors that affect your usage and bill:

  • Weather changes and temperature.
  • The number of people in your home.
  • The efficiency of your home (e.g., the age and type of appliances; the level of insulation, the location of your thermostat, etc.)
  • Like many commodities, the cost of natural gas we purchase and deliver to you can fluctuate. The cost of these gas supplies is not marked up, meaning we do not profit from the natural gas we purchase.

How to better manage your usage and bill:

  • Budget Billing makes your energy bill more predictable month to month, so you can avoid seasonal swings.
  • Programs are available to help you and your family manage your energy costs. Call 211 to see if you qualify for energy assistance in your area.
  • A ThermWise Home Energy Plan is a great place to start – it's your home's own personalized blueprint to improve energy efficiency and save you money. Check out for more energy-saving tips like these:
    • Replace aging and less-efficient appliances.
    • Have your furnace inspected annually to ensure it is operating efficiently.
    • Install a smart thermostat. This will help your furnace and wallet.
    • Move furniture, drapes and anything else obstructing air ducts and cold-air returns. Blocked vents mean poor air flow and excess stress on your furnace.

A dekatherm (DTH) is a unit of energy used to measure natural gas.

The cost per DTH is determined by:

  • Gas costs – the amount Dominion Energy pays for the gas it resells to its customers with no mark-up.
  • Non-gas costs – the costs of operating and maintaining the company's distribution system.

These rates are approved by state public service commissions and change periodically through regulatory filings. Learn more about Rates & Tariffs.

Your bill is calculated using an average cost because we apply what is called a Weather Normalization Adjustment (WNA) to the approved cost per DTH.

When WNA is applied to a bill, it more accurately reflects the cost of providing service. You also can be confident you won't pay more than necessary.

Your rates are based on an expectation of “normal” weather, defined as the average daily temperatures over a 20-year period. The WNA works by slightly offsetting the effects of unusually colder- or warmer-than-normal weather by adjusting bills up or down during these conditions.

The adjustment for your bill is based on your weather zone, a climatological area used for gathering normal and actual weather data.

  • Basic Service Fee – This fee covers the costs associated with the basic equipment used to deliver natural gas to your home or business (e.g., gas meter and pipe). This rate is approved by state public service commissions.
  • State taxes and municipal energy taxes (where applicable).
  • Voluntary program fees – If you support programs like GreenTherm or CarbonRight, or third-party programs like HomeServe, these charges will appear as additional line items on your bill.
  • Energy Assistance – All customers contribute to local energy assistance programs that help qualified families and invidividuals pay their utility bills. Dominion Energy employees and shareholders also contribute to these programs.

The amount of gas you use in your home is measured by your natural gas meter in cubic feet. A volume multiplier is used to convert this figure to DTHs. This calculation accounts for altitude, gas pressure, and the chemical composition of the gas.

Residential gas meters are read once a month. To determine how much gas your home has used, we calculate the difference between two monthly readings.

Sometimes a meter cannot be read because it is inaccessible or may not be properly transmitting data. In these cases, we estimate the usage based on the time of year and previous usage history. When we receive a meter reading, we adjust the next bill to account for over or underestimations in usage.

Read more about estimated bills.