Helping our western transportation customers make informed energy decisions.
Enbridge Gas provides reliable and cost-effective services to approximately 1.2 million customers and marketers who transport gas on our system.

Available tools and services
We provide information on available gas suppliers, information about the release of Enbridge Gas capacity, contracts and forms and are available to answers any of your questions. Our transportation services department offers the following services/applications for commercial/industrial businesses:
Our QuestLine system is available to help you manage your nominations and usage.
- The PipeViewer system displays current system operations for the Enbridge Gas distribution system. This includes meter activity, volumes, pressures, temperatures, limited gas quality and limited meter configurations.
- Access the PipeViewer system and enter your QuestLine® user ID and password.
Natural gas commodity and service providers
Several of the companies listed below also provide energy consultation services.
Disclaimer: This information has been provided to Enbridge Gas by third parties. Although we attempt to keep the list current, we are not responsible for its accuracy.
Natural gas suppliers or service providers who would like to be included on this list should contact Amy Allen at 801-324-3098
Contracts and forms
We use a variety of agreements and contracts when doing business with our customers.
Firm and interruptible transportation services are available on Enbridge Gas' distribution system.
Our QuestLine® system lets customers nominate daily gas supplies to be transported to their facilities.
For customers working with an agent, please contact your Enbridge Gas account representative.
Notification of Intent
Existing customers on the Enbridge Gas Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho distribution system are required to submit an official notification of intent to change to the Transportation Service Rate Schedule no later than March 7 for an effective date of July 1. The link below allows customer to submit their intent directly into the company’s Open Season Workflow System.