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Do you need to balance uneven consumption with deliveries of gas supplies at the Dawn Hub?

Our Upstream Pipeline Balancing Service (UPBS) enhances your existing storage service, allowing you to balance flows evenly arriving at Dawn Hub (including purchased gas supplies, withdrawals from storage, or gas arriving from upstream pipelines) with uneven downstream consumption requirements.

The UPBS allows you to specify the hours of injection and/or withdrawal and ensure that gas supplies closely match consumption requirements on an hourly basis. The UPBS also helps you minimize downstream balancing costs.

Service highlights:

  • You may nominate UPBS on a firm basis on the timely nomination cycle and on an interruptible basis on each of the next three NAESB nomination cycles. If you also contract for F24-S, the customer has access to all 13 nomination cycles and the service is firm on each nomination cycle.
  • As part of this service, the quantity of gas injected or withdrawn in any hour cannot exceed the total daily contracted quantity, divided by 20.
    • Example:
      • Daily firm withdrawal demand = 50,000 GJ/d
      • Hourly contract withdrawal demand is 2,500 GJ/h
      • Quantity of gas injected or withdrawn over entire gas day cannot exceed total daily contracted quantity
    • Example:
      • Daily firm withdrawal demand = 50,000 GJ/d
      • Sum of injections/withdrawals cannot exceed 50,000 GJ/d
  • Any overrun of an hourly quantity will be considered as overrun for the entire gas day. Overrun of UPBS (and underlying storage contract) may be provided.

UPBS service details

Arrows going in a circle icon

Receipt and delivery points

  • Dawn Hub
Dollar sign

Pricing and fuel

  • Negotiated rate.
  • Monthly billing for demand charges.
  • No incremental fuel charges (notwithstanding fuel provided as per underlying storage contract).
  • No incremental variable charges (notwithstanding commodity charges required as per underlying storage contract).
  • Overrun charges equal to 1.5 times the underlying storage contract demand charges.
Document with checkmark

Service eligibility

  • Available to all customers who hold a storage contract with firm injection and/or withdrawal parameters. The quantity of your firm storage injections/withdrawals must be equal to or greater than the quantity of the UPBS contract.
  • The term of your storage contract must be equal to or longer than term of UPBS contract.
  • The firm injection and withdrawal parameters are assumed to be of equal quantities.

Contract and contract term

  • Contract term from one storage to ten years.
  • Assignable to third parties with a firm storage contract on a temporary or permanent basis. For more information, please check out our standard storage assignment agreement.
  • Schedule added to existing executed storage contract.
Document with a pen

Complementary services

Our sales team can help you determine the best services for your business

Max Hagerman
Manager, S&T Sales

Ginny Hawken
Senior Advisor, Strategic Accounts

Chris Mayo
Senior Advisor, S&T Sales